Scientology Volunteer Minsters in Colombia for Peace Not Violence

Bogota—Colombian citizens and authorities gathered last Friday in the Bosa district of Bogota to witness the official opening of the Scientology Volunteer Minister’s tent. The event,  jointly organized by the Church of Scientology of Colombia, Bosa City Hall and Fe y Alegria  (the Faith and Joy School),  is part of a grassroots campaign called “Volunteers United for Peace and Against Violence.”

For more than 30 years Scientology Volunteer Minister have brought hope and help to people all over the world, regardless of race, nationality or religious beliefs. Scientology Volunteer Ministers help diminish social ills such as violence, drug addiction and illiteracy by applying practical tools contained in the Scientology Handbook, a reference book based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Colombia suffers from appalling crime rates and rampant violence. In just eight months in 2008, 520 minors were murdered, 13 of whom were infants.  And according to the INMLCF (National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science) 77,745 cases of domestic violence were reported in that country in 2007.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have united to combat violence in Colombia with the message “Something Can Be Done About It.” They are working with Colombian officials, community leaders and private individuals to bring about an environment where peace and harmony prevail.

Thursday’s event included a series of seminars, conferences and workshops on drug prevention and education, human rights and values.  The Volunteer Ministers also provided Scientology Assists—techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard that address the emotional and spiritual side of trauma and stress.

Jonathan Rico, spokesman for the Church of Scientology in Latin America said, “We firmly believe that by being united we can reach many more people. Working together to help the community we will create a Colombia where harmony and peace are a fact”.

For more information on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers and the Church of Scientology visit