Andrews Study Bible: Scholars Notes and Quotessearching for that perfect study Bible? Are you not sure if you want study notes or study comments? Is there even a difference? We recently reviewed the Ellen White Study Bible (Remnant Study Bible with E.G. White Comments) we found that all the details and features kept us diving back for more. We especially enjoy using this bible to share our faith with others. Want to approach the bible from a Scholarly perspective? Well the Andrews Study Bible has many features and goodies to offer in a study bible. What we are going to do is see how these Bibles complement each other as well as how they differ so that you can make an intelligent decision on which to buy. Let's start with the Andrews Study Bible: An international editorial team of Adventist Bible scholars have poured their hearts and souls into this particular study Bible to get the Bible reader more than what they bargained for in the realm of content and comments. According to Andrews University President Niels-Erik Andreasen this Bible was designed with the lay Bible student in mind: "The Andrews Study Bible will provide the tools necessary for any Bible reader—no matter the level of theological training—to navigate the scriptures in a meaningful way" Some additional features to this study Bible are: Now that is all fine and dandy, but Mr. Andreasen what are the tools? Here goes; Those tools will include an complete study note-and-reference system (so imagine the possibilities of linking in your references to that difficult passage and having a Bible-based answer right there from a noted Adventist scholar), general articles on important theological and interpretive principles (no more wondering what a particular person may think on a specific topic these articles will provide the depth which you have been looking for), maps, charts, and indexes were all prepared for the general reader. The heart of this study Bible is the easy-to-read and theologically sound NKJV, a translation used throughout the world from the pulpit as well as the translation used for the new Word of Promise Audio Bible. "The ultimate purpose will be to produce a work that is academically credible, theologically sound, and practically useful for the individual reader, and for wide distribution in Adventist evangelism," according to Andreasen. World-renown speaker and evangelist Mark Finely had this to say: "I'm very excited at the prospect of what this study Bible will do," said Finley. "Besides the tremendous value it will have for untold thousands of readers around the world in the years ahead, its production now will help scholars of the church to think as evangelists, and its use will help the evangelists of the church to think as scholars." An terrific point indeed, we are all called to be evangelists (see Matthew 28:18-20), and we now have the ability to be forward-thinking scholars with the excellent study aides and helps in the Andrews Study Bible. "The Andrews Study Bible has been prepared with the mind of a scholar, the heart of a pastor, and the passion of an evangelist" (Andrews Study Bible Project Committee Mark Finley, GC vice president). So how can this bible help you in studying? Easy, the in-depth nature of the study notes provided in the Andrews Study Bible will enhance your idea of what leading scholars are thinking next to your E.G. White Comments in the Ellen White Study Bible. Where one chain-reference system may have more information you can easily compare notes and see the fullness you can discover with multiple references. While the excellent study helps and articles are great in the Andrews Study Bible the brilliant and colorful layout of the prophecies of Daniel and the sanctuary are unparalleled in the Remnant Study Bible. So whether you are looking for the scholarly approach and its benefits or if you are looking for the richness of the Spirit of Prophecy within your Bible then you can purchase your Ellen White Study Bible today. The Andrews Study Bible will be released soon and will be available at your local Adventist Book Center. |