Holywood: the influence of movies


Movies influence our lives in many ways.  From west­erns to science fiction, heroes and villains have helped shape our lives and mold the behavior patterns of today's society. Throughout the age of the silver screen, motion picture masterminds such as George Lucas, Stephen Spielburg and James Cameron have created worlds and characters that intrigue and inspire us. The styles and images these characters portray are often reflected in our attitudes and behavior. How many times have you heard someone say "hasta la vista, baby" or "go ahead, make my day?"

It is highly unlikely that someone will board a train and gun down people or highjack a bus simply because that person saw it in a movie. There are usually other circum­stances and issues involved with these extreme cases. However, the "tough guy" or "gangster" image in today's world is greatly reinforced by popular movies. People will imitate these attitudes because they see it in a movie and think it is "cool." One question is often raised. Does art imitate life, or does life imitate art? The answer to that is "both."

When it comes to "hood" or "gangster" movies, people will tell you emphatically that 'that's the way it is." Yes, it is true that a lot of movies depict real life situations and events. Many major films use scripts that derive their subject material from the inner city lifestyles of the "hood." However, the fact that "that's the way it is" does not mean that "that's the way it has to be." These films were not intended to defend or glorify the "gangster" or "hood" mentality. They were designed to help people understand and cope with the situations encountered in the "hood." The morals of the stories are to overcome strife and change lives, not to act like "punks" or "gangsters."

A long time ago, there was another script written that serves much the same purpose. Script-ures use complex plots, consequences of actions and solutions to problems in a much more effective manner than any modern day movie. Whether it is the Bible or the Qur'an, these Holy Books are filled with stories of "real life" situations and solutions. These stories and accounts use life to bring positive mes­sages down to a level that we can identify with and under­stand. Many valuable lessons can be learned from people such as Abraham in the Bible, or Ibrahim in the Qur'an. These are the people and attitudes we should be imitating. There is no mistaking the powerful messages in any of these stories. Nobody interprets them to mean that we have to wander around the desert for generations.

Movies are good entertainment and can be inspiring. If taken in the right context, they can bring us strong positive messages and teach us many things. These movies are carefully and brilliantly scripted to show how "real life" characters deal with the "real life" situations they encoun­ter. They were intended to teach people how to deal with similar problems and issues. They were not meant to teach people how to live like gangsters. People just need to learn to separate fantasy from reality. Look past the fact that a movie shows how your "hood" is. Identify with the movie and see what it is trying to tell you. Nobody expects E.T. to land in their back yard, so why should we act like gangsters simply because we see it in the movies? Leave the script reading to the actors and start reading the script­ure. Instead of saying "Houston, we have a problem." try saying "For God so loved the World."