Antioch & Jerusalem Christians

James the Just, the brother of Jesus, the head of the church at Jerusalem, the Jewish extension of early Christianity, who did not believe in a virgin birth of his brother, were nonetheless not of the same mind of the Apostle Paul. The early war for how Christianity would be defined and formed was fought from these two cities.

It's found, among other places, in Acts 11 where the LUMINESCENT is written most clearly.

The Jerusalem Christians were seeing something that had to be stopped. Their idea of "Christianity" did not include the Gentiles very much like many fundamentalists today who are exclusive in their religious views, building walls to keep out all who will not agree with the doctrines and dogma of the leadership.

The issue here is CONTROL: it's always been the issue.

True Christianity, before it was perverted and manipulated into the current currency, was a more spiritual, universal, and inclusive theology. Paul brought in the Gentiles and had to rebuke Peter. You find in Galatians 2:11 (NIV), "When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong". That's like literally being 'in your face'.

Peter, James the others that Paul met with in Jerusalem before going out on his own to expound on the Christos and not the historical Jesus, were all for this new thing called Christianity as long as it was of a Jewish cast and didn't accept the Gentiles.

Obviously, they didn't get all their wishes.

As George Fisher wrote, "One of the most salient points in the platform of early Christianity was that it was to transcend all national, racial and creedal bounds and be preached to ALL nations (can you say Matthew 28?). Unfortunately by the time Constantine arrived on the scene, the GOOD NEWS was only for the select, and that's still a wall that's not been torn down in 2010.

Until we each embrace the concept of unconditional love and that God is not a respecter of persons, we'll continue to exclude and kill one anther- doing the exact opposite of what Jesus, who became the Christos stood for and was!