World Peace According To The Bible

We live in a desperate world and in a desperate time. Peace in our lifetime seems elusive in a world full of wars, strife, and murders. There is never a day that passes by where we do not hear news of sufferings around the world.

Peace According to the World
According to the world, peace means no more wars, killing or destruction of human life, wildlife and the environment.Many stressed out worldly Christians are now involved in yoga,meditation,fortune telling, transcendental and many other eastern mysticism practices in their quest to find peace. Classes for such activities are mushrooming all over the big cities across Asia,America and Europe.

Tests conducted on patients given placebo by their doctors on their supposedly health benefits do report positive results from these patients later.It do shows the effects of perception on helping to improve one's state of mind. One's improved state of mind do help to improve one's health. So if we think that practicing yoga or meditation helps us to achieve inner peace, its likely to be so for our mind are already positively accepting that conclusion. If we think that praying will not provide the same effect, it won.t, for our minds are already negative to it.

So while the yoga and meditation classes may perhaps bring the so called inner peace to us, we must seriously consider their destructive effects to our own salvation. They seem harmless at first but many of these activities requires meditation. Unless the yoga or meditation classes teaches us to meditate specifically on something, that something has to be Jesus Christ and not something else, if its nothing, then that nothing will be filled by demons for demons seek an empty host. These activities will open the door for demons to enter into us and lead us to a curse which will ultimately destroy our faith in God and rob us of the true peace we would have otherwise enjoyed with God.

World Peace According To The Bible
World Peace is not dependent on the United Nations or any One World Unity or whatever peace movements touted by many leaders today. Human government never will be able to solve the world's problems. There never will be true peace until the Prince of Peace establishes His Millennial Kingdom. Peace on earth will only come when every man is transformed by the power of God through the Sons of Peace. It is when "the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains" that the prophetic mysteries spoken by the prophet shall unfold before our wondering eyes and He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they (the nations) shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isa. 2:2-4).

What is Eternal Peace
Real peace is not temporary happiness that depends upon good things happening in our lives. Real peace is not the absence of conflicts or problems in our lives ! The peace of God is unaffected by any external conditions. If your peace crumbles in the face of troubles, what you have is not peace - it is merely a sense of comfort or security that you may have in the hope that nothing changed or disturb the status quo of your peace.

Romans 14:17 - For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

God Has Already Given Us Peace
John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.