Do Not Fear Your Spiritual Calling

Do Not Fear Your Spiritual Calling

Our financial and religious systems are in turmoil. You are very much aware of the Spiritual calling, yet you resist. The turmoil precedes the change. You can progress with your calling, or you can continue to sink with the turmoil. This article was written for those who are aware of their Spirit calling but continue to resist.

The Bible says that the Spirit goes or blows where it listeth (or wills-John 3:8). The Bible also lists the various gifts of the Spirit. Yet these various gifts are all One In The Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4; John 17:17-21; John 4:24). When men began to preach a message not associated with Jesus, He forbid His followers to oppose these men.

Your Spirit will call you as it list (wills-John 3:8). God's coming plan is Oneness (John 17:17-21; Deuteronomy 6:4). Our modern turmoil is preparing Earth's Inhabitants for this "Spirit of Oneness". We may not always agree, or manifest the same gifts, but we are All One (1 Corinthians 12:4).

It is futile to worry about which religion or theology is "right". The Bible uses "Babylon" to symbolize God's removal of religious theology (Revelation 17:16-18) and its replacement with God Oneness (Revelation 17:12-13, 17; John 17:17-21).

It is futile to worry about a "stabilized" economy. God is presently "shaking up" the world (Haggai 2:7) so that His Spirit Consciousness and "Glorious Things" can enter His Will (Haggai 2:7; Matthew 25:23).

Your Spirit contacts you by many means. It might be through numbers, or repeated similarities. It might be through a supernatural or metaphysical event. It might be through Spirituality or Spirit Conscious. It might be through the "sensing" of a Presence. It might be through dreams or other "journeys".

It doesn't matter how the Spirit calls you. It does matter how you respond to your calling. You might be afraid. You might be worrying about what others will think. You might have your own goals and life plans. It doesn't matter if it is a religious or spiritual calling.

The Spirit calling you is your "passage of travel". One person might be called to Priesthood. Another person might be called to Mediumship. It is all the Same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4; 1 Corinthians 15:48-54).

You can begin to seek out the Spirit which is calling you. You can perform your own research. You will not feel satisfied until you "connect" with your Spirit. Religion did a great job at "canceling" out Spirituality. This is why Jesus corrected Nicodemus at John 3:1-16. Jesus also corrected the woman at John 4:24. Don't let false religious ideas prevent you from connecting with your Spirit.

Jonah rejected his calling. Jonah felt that his plan was wiser and more realistic than the Great Spirit. Jonah gave the Spirit no choice but to cause "turmoil" and shake Jonah's world up. The Spirit "forced" Jonah to fulfill his calling. The Spirit also forced Moses to do the same.

You know you have the calling. It is a program inside of yourself. It's one of those things that a person may not want to do, but knows they have to do it.

Your time is now. Don't trust in this world (Jeremiah 10:23). The ways of this world are rapidly changing (1 John 2:15-17). Eternity is for the Spirit Inclined (Matthew 24:35).

Begin seeking out your Spirit's calling (Revelation 2:7). This is your True Calling and will be the only thing that is constant in this life.

This article can be freely utilized and edited as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).