How to Increase Semen Volume and Consistency

Just like women with big breasts which usually turned on men by the sight of them, men who ejaculate great amounts of semen are also turn-ons for most women. This is the main reason why men have always wanted to produce a larger volume of their semen during intercourse. Aside from the visual pleasure it gives to the partner, thick and large volumes of semen have also been interpreted as a sign of better fertility and good health. Men have also reported that the more semen a man ejaculates during intercourse, the more intense his orgasm is.

Majority of a male's semen is produced by the seminal vesicle where 75 percent of the semen comes from. The rest is produced by the prostate gland and the bulbourethral glands.

Semen quality is decreased by one percent a year as the men reach 40 years old. Aside from age, other factors that can affect semen volume and consistency include dehydration, weight issues, frequent ejaculations, use of steroids, and zinc deficiency. Bike riders may have lower amounts of semen as a result of testicular heat. Testes are supposed to have cooler temperature than the rest of the body.

Water and Fluid Replacement

Since semen is 90 percent water, it is advised to drink plenty of water and fluids daily. Avoid fluids that may dehydrate you like alcohol and caffeine. One can take alcohol and caffeinated drinks but should be limited to a minimal amount only. Recommended daily intake of water is six to eight glasses a day. A recent survey has showed that 3 out of 4 men in the USA are dehydrated.

Diet and Nutrition

A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole wheat grains, and proteins is recommended to increase semen volume naturally. Foods rich in zinc are specifically recommended to produce huge amounts of semen like meat, fish, leafy green vegetables, oysters, beans, and nuts. Foods that are rich in selenium, folic acid, and vitamins B12, C, and E should also be a part of the diet of someone who wants to increase semen volume. One can read the food labels or check with a nutritionist.

Exercise and Activity

Exercising regularly can increase blood flow to the penis. As a result, testosterone production is also increased, which, in turn, increases semen production. Not only is semen production improved with exercise, but libido and sex drive are also enhanced.

Patience Is Definitely a Virtue

If one anticipates sexual activity with a partner and wants to produce huge amounts of semen, do not ejaculate a day or two before the planned day of intercourse. It is recommended not to engage in other sexual activities and not to masturbate as well.

Herbal Supplements and Other Medications

After trying all those mentioned above, one can try taking herbal supplements that have the amino acids L-arginine and L-lysine. Amino acid is a simple element form of protein. These amino acids are said to boost and enhance testicular and seminal production. There are also pills available in the market that are designed to increase male libido and semen production. One can ask his doctor about these pills and supplements.