How To Open The Third Eye

Open Your Third Eye eBook by Theodore von Kiedrowski download (updated version)

For those of you who want to learn how to open your third eye, you will most probably have heard of Theodore von Kiedrowski's eBook entitled, "Open Your Third Eye". This eBook helps guide you to achieve just that, open your third eye, in easy steps. You can do this at the comfort of your own home.

The 10 Reasons Why You ABSOLUTELY MUST Read This Book

*Discover There Is So MUCH MORE - TO YOU!

Learn How to Develop Your Clairvoyance
Learn How to Astral Travel
Learn How to Practice Telepathy
Learn How to Develop Your Psychometry Powers
Learn How to Access Many More Of Your Latent Inner Powers.

Experience For Yourself, First Hand Mystical Phenomenon.

Learn How To Take Go FAR Beyond The Ordinary!

Access Your REAL Spiritual Self - Easily!

Discover and Marvel at The 'Hidden' In Nature

Have More Energy.

Reduce Stress Levels.

Become More Attuned With Those Around You.

Let's face it, if you are going to learn from someone, you have to know if they really know what they are talking about. It is only common sense.

I am not the most famous mystic on the 'net- but many people have heard of me. You will hear more of me as time goes on. The world needs people to pump positivity into it and I am one of those people. Anyway back to the 3rd eye.

Let Me Tell You My 'Mystical Apprenticeship'

My name is Theodore von Kiedrowski, and I have had an unusual childhood. I spent many years away from my family, due to a critical illness that saw me hospitalised and bed ridden for many years. When others were learning about 'playing outside', I would ask questions such as...why am I here? What is the meaning of my life...Is there anything more? Naturally such questions lead to further inquiry.

I Suffered The Misery Of Knowing There Was More-
But Not Knowing How To Grasp It Or Access It!

By the time I was 13, I recognised the value of meditation and a greater awareness of the psychic world. I studied many books, with their origins in India, China, Japan and Egypt. I read the Bible, Koran, the Torah & works around the Kabbalah.

My mind became a walking library of facts, and I became a student of various schools. In the early seventies, as a young teenager I would perform Hatha Yoga with Richard Hittleman, read books by Lobsang Rampa...and my interest in the esoteric arts grew.

By the time I was 20 years old, I had gone from Transcendental Meditation through to raising the Kundalini. I experienced many psychic phenomena - including Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Astral Travelling and more. By the time I was 22 years old, I had raised the Kundalini through the third eye and up into the Crown Chakra. I must admit, I gave up a great deal in my pursuit for truth and answers to the age old questions.

I followed teachers and teachings from Sivananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Mahrashi, the Mahareeshi Mahesh Yogi, Sai Baba, and sought advice from scholars orientated towards Philosophy and Theosophy. I joined occult schools, and spiritual schools alike. I was relentless, because I knew that there is more to life than 'just getting through'.

I knew that I had a gift - and that I had secrets to share...