Calcium Dissolving- Dissolving Calcium Based Kidney Stones With Acidic Remedies

Did you know that thousands of kidney sufferers search the term 'calcium dissolving' each month? Why would such a term be so popular?

Dissolving calcium has been the newest kidney stone natural remedy that doctors are trying to hide from the public. If you consider how many millions of dollars of forked over each year to the medical industry just for kidney stones, it is no wonder that hospitals are keeping natural acidic remedies 'hush hush'.

And if you consider that 85% of kidney stones can be dissolved naturally, you could imagine the financial loss of releasing these effective remedies.

Maybe it is time you allow Natural Health and your body to treat your kidney stones ?

Calcium Based Kidney Stones

Fact! Calcium kidney stones account for almost 85 percent of all kidney stones and are most likely to occur in men. The stones are formed from built-up calcium, combining with oxalate, phosphate or carbonate.

And the bad news is that any types of kidney stones are painful. In fact, many women have said that they are as painful as child birth! Sorry men.

The good news is that kidney stones will most likely always flush by themselves. If you are currently suffering from the pain of a kidney stone, chances are that you have already passed numerous stones but have not realized it.

The second part of the good news is that calcium stones are the easiest stone to dissolve. In most cases (85% of the time), a calcium based stone can be dissolved with certain types of acids or ingredients that contain acids.

But what natural kidney stone remedies work?

Calcium Dissolving Acidic Remedies

Why do acidic remedies work? First off, because acids typically dissolve most things it is applied to. For instance, your tooth enamel will erode after drinking too many acidic soft drinks.

And the same thing is applied to calcium based (a lot softer than tooth enamel) kidney stones! The acids in certain beverages, certain fruits and certain foods can actually work to naturally dissolve the kidney stones. The body then will be able to flush them out of your kidneys when the stones become crystals.

Here is a list of acidic remedies our natural health company endorses.

1. Phosphoric Acid-Phosphoric acid has been around for decades and is even used to keep soft drinks tangy. It is thought that a high potency of phosphoric acid is all that is needed to dissolve calcium stones as big as 1 cm in diameter. We also recommend to chase the remedy with a high water-soluble fiber puree to flush the kidneys.

2. Lemon Juice-Lemon juice is obviously acidic! The lemon juice will break down the stones to passable levels. If consumed with olive oil, you can actually lubricate the urinary tract to help pass the stones after the dissolution process. This natural remedy has been reported to work in less than 2 hours.

3. Cherry Remedy-Though this remedy is possibly the newest remedy, it has been helpful to some of our customers. In the 1950s, a study by Dr. Ludwig W Blau showed that consuming 6-8 cherries during a gout attack would relieve the symptoms. However, new research has also shown that consuming cherries because of their acidic levels could also dissolve kidney stones.

Now the Rest of the Story

Natural health can literally change your life! But it is important not to treat remedies like your favorite recipe. In other words, you should NOT play the 'guessing game' of what you should take and what amount you should take.

That is why we have done the research for you! With a combined 22 years of natural health experience, we would love to help you with our 100% guaranteed, step by step natural kidney stone remedies. Please visit us today and keep drinking water!

Dissolving Kidney Stones