The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - What Must HappenMan is a wonderful creation and a stubborn one. He loves to experiment with the truth and reluctantly align when dejected by his ideas. Creation has it that man is free in framing and implementing patterns. However, will be quick to point out that such freedom is not absolute. We live in a programmed world wheresurprisedoes not exist. Everything that has happened and would happen had been designed. The astonishing scenario is that the programmer is the programme. This makes it complicated but austere. The simplicity is that the programmer is not subject to his programme All things happen forgood. This is because events must unfold either desired by man or not. Theories likemistake,coincidence,ratificationdo not exist in the realm of the programmer. His only theory is thegood principle. Amazingly, the programmer does not question himself because whatsoever he does isgood. The title of this discovery article was deliberately chosen in respect to what will eventually surface. It would have been easier to choose any topic like When Palestine Will Agree. According to the programme, such title would be derailing and rendered meaningless at the end of the tunnel. The title is eventuality driven. Due to the sensitive nature of the situation, it would be appropriate not to further explicate the reasons on the choice of topic. The article is not written to seek or source for opinions but to inform in simple and in not too vocabulary related language. This piece of write-up is part of the programmed tomorrow, has no regret of its contents and holds nobody an apology of any misinterpretation. The people of Israel and Palestine have been living together under a state for centuries with their almost day-to-day conflict as old as their co-existence. It would be irritating to remind us that Israelis and Palestinians are from a source, and highly disgusting to solicit for opinions and suggestions through this medium on how Israelis and Palestinians should live for peace to reign as the article is meant to TELL. The Israeli-Palestinian dispute is centred on ownership and right, which include right to water, airspace, security and border. It is a dispute caused and fuelled by religious difference. The populace of both parties are peaceful but for the leaders it is the case of a coin. Mediation of organisations and nations into the matter should be commended. Mediators like US, Egypt, EU, Arab League, Russia and UN have tried and are still trying to see a logical agreement reached between the actors. The combining of force, reinforcement, aligning and realigning of mediators likethequartethave yielded little or no precipitate. Several peace formulae were proposed by the mediators. The two notable were the one-state formula and two-state formula. The Palestinian leaders prefer the latter while the Israeli leaders prefer the former provided all disputed territories and subjects are under their control. The masses of both nations are ever peace inclined. Their more reasonable formula is the two-state arrangement. The people of both parties are less concern of justice, less concern of rightful ownership but only keen and interested on the format that will fast track peace in the region. The wish of the people is not always the will of He who designs. Man has failed to understand that justice is more important than peace. Peace that is not justified must short live. Know this; He is not the God of peace, but the God of justice that brings peace. The true desire of all the mediators is the two-state structure. The true desire of the people of the two gladiators is two-state structure. Unfortunately, the desire of both the mediators and the people will never see the light of the day. I am not the one speaking, I represent He who owns the speech. There is no need of assuming what will happen if the mediators and the people change their mind about the two-state structure because they will never do that. Theoretically, if and if they change their mind, nothing would be accomplished. The solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine cannot come from the outside. What US and other mediators are doing is to avoid being idle. They will not cease mediating but would not succeed in putting the crooked straight. If many things are not sure, one that is sure is that the dispute would be resolved. The resolution is a justice not to the oppressed but to the chosen. All chosen must be oppressed, and so, must receive justice that brings peace. However, the oppressed are not the chosen, and so, could be guaranteed peace and not justice. The contents of the Israeli-Palestinian resolution are when would it happen? Who will make it happen? In addition, by what formula? A stage would be reached when the mediators will be on a head-on collision. Disagreement, accusation and counter accusation, superiority complex, conflict will characterise the mediation efforts. These attributes are signals of collapsed, frustrated mediation and time for proper resolution to step in. The resolution to the conflict will come from the inside. All ideas from the outside would be resisted no matter the persuasion, promise and sanction to the disputing parties. It will be too glaring for any mediator to still the glory. Partitioning will not characterise the resolution of the conflict neither would equal-allocation rule feature in the resolution packaged. The resolution is justice driven. The conflict will end with one identity reigning throughout the land. The land will experience peace as never before. One of the disputed regions, Jerusalem will become the must peaceful place in the world, as it will assume the status of the world headquarters for peace and religion. The message has been passed across. The assurance is that the end would be good. |