The Seduction Of Exclusivity

I have always liked my eggs; however in the last few years I've come to like them even more. They have a unique flavor and they are really yellow. I do have pay more for the joy of having eggs that are from what's called FREE RANGE (not just BROWN eggs y'all). When it comes to religion though most chickens are caged: maybe that's a good thing!

Instead of being FREE (I'm not talking FREE WILL), too many "believers" are hog tied!

Once upon a time I used to be one of those religious actors. I played the GAME so well I didn't even know it was a game. They tell me that actors who get into the character that they play really deeply, it's what Academy Awards are made. Down deep though one knows when they are a poor PARAODY of a spiritually mature being. Have you been there? You don't have to respond you know.  :-)

Too many religions have succumbed to the stench and seduction of religious exclusivity.

It's hard to convince many Christians that Jesus wasn't one: Jesus was a Jew. One of the bigger mistakes than that though is to think that GOD is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, or anything definable.  It's important, at least for me, to belong to a COMMUNITY of BELIEVERS who share many things of which exclusive superiority isn't one.

There is no right denomination!

Tom Harpur has put it this way, "The God who made not one kind of tree but thousands of different varieties and who has made not one shade of green but a myriad of subtly different shades has declared a love of multiplicity and of individuation that is cosmic in scale." And yet,  most denominations  tend to want to stereotype, hem in, and hog tie its members to rigid doctrines instead of letting them roam free in love.

I bet the fragrance of LOVE beats any dictated deterministic doctrine.

Whatcha think?