Be Of Good Courage!

When one takes a real serious look at the condition of the world, it gets a bit scary to say the least! We have major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. War could break out any day in the Middle East. More than twenty six million people in America are out of work or under-employed. And then we have the so-called "Cardinal Climax" coming around August 1st that is going to CRASH THE MARKETS- again!

One could say that there have always been wars and rumors of wars- and bad stuff: and be correct!

So, why is it that the main meal that's being served up at most churches about SIN? I know and you know it's because "sin management" is the main way that the church can CONTROL the members; and the Catholic Church has that down really well. Communion and Confession are their main weapons, which doesn't mean those are bad concepts; however, the way that they are most often employed are. The POIGNANCY and central message of the acts has been lost

Who wants to cross their chests with their arms for an "outsider communion"?  :-(

In case you've not read the Gospels recently, the main thing that Jesus focused on to help us SEE the Kingdom of God was FEAR! Sin just wasn't a biggie for the historical Jesus. He'd just simply say go, repent, and don't keep doing it. Not so with the church! What Jesus did emphasize was the need for us to OVERCOME FEAR and its many cousins: anxiety, worry, and lack of TRUST!

The need for FAITH was to overcome FEAR, not to have faith in faith!

Thus Jesus was constantly saying things like, "Be of good courage, be not afraid, and have confidence." Faith was far deeper than some mental assent to a set of creeds. Nothing is as corrosive to our inner peace as is FEAR! And guess what really puts a haymaker on fear? LOVE! Remember this verse, "Perfect love cats out fear". Hey, no one is perfect, but we can sure do a better job of LOVING.

Can't we? Say YES!