Mark Of The Blessing?

Give and will be given back to you one hundred fold! Give and God will mightily bless you with financial and material blessings. God loves a cheerful giver. Oh yes, and let me remind you of the assumption that goes with those powerful promises. GIVE TO MY MINISTRY! Giving to the Lord's work is of course giving to ME and MY MINISTRY!

I wish it were that simple; however it's not and it's not that Biblical either.

Are ALL of the wealthy people blessed by God? You know that answer. The GIVING principle is a Biblical and secular principle that we should all follow. Life just goes better for us when we're not selfish, when we give, and when we have compassion for those to whom the Spirit says GIVE. But, let's be real here. People are financially blessed for a host of reasons that have NOTHIGN to do with God or JAY-ZUS!

>Some people are born into wealth. Thanks mom and dad.
>Some people are just plain lucky. It happens!
>Some are smart and intelligent though that's not a sure-fire formula.
>Some happen to be in the right place at the right time.
>Some know the right people.
>Some are just crooked!

Matthew 5:45 tells us that God isn't partial, discriminating, nor a "favorite-player". It rains on the just and the not so nice people. Read my writing- Stuff Happens! There are times when I know the "divine presence" with such awesome feelings, and then there are times when I known the "divine absence" just as deeply. Suffering isn't necessarily an indication of SIN or whatever other guilt trips religion likes to put on people.

The "mark of blessing" is on those who LOVE. Karma happens as well! People need to GIVE because it's a thread that runs through life and makes life better for all; however, giving to a ministry because you've been promised a blessing if you do so is a form of "religious materialism" that smacks of Catholic stories of indulgences and other such "come on" schemes of which CHARLATANS are made: otherwise often called TV evangelists (but not all of course).