Easy Way to Get Rid of Dandruff

Sometimes your dandruff problem may become a cause of embarrassment in your work place or even at home. It appears on your hair as you brush them and further fall on to your face, shoulders and clothes. There are numerous home remedies and natural products which not only cure dandruff but also make the hair look shiny and healthy. In this article, I am going to discuss some home remedies to get rid of dandruff.

So, let start with the fenugreek seeds. They are one of the most important remedies for treatment of dandruff. Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind it in the morning to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on to your scalp generously and leave it to dry on its own. It normally takes 30-45 minutes to dry. The scalp should then be cleansed thoroughly with soap nut solution or shikakai.

The other recommended cure dandruff is lime juice. Take two tablespoons of fresh lime juice and use it for the last rinse while washing the hair to get rid of dandruff. Regular use of lime juice not only removes dandruff but also makes the hair look shiny and non sticky.

Gram powder is also used as a cure for dandruff. Take handful of gram powder and mix it in a cup of curd to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the hair and scalp and leave it for drying. Utmost care should be taken while washing out the paste as it leaves a pungent smell if not properly washed. Beet preferably white beet can also be used for dandruff cure. Boil the top and root of beet in water. Massage the boiled water on to the scalp with the finger tips every night to get rid of dandruff.

A well balanced diet is also recommended by dermatologist to remain away from dandruff. Fresh fruits and vegetables should form part of the food habits. People suffering from dandruff should avoid citrus fruits, bananas and tinned fruits. Strong tea/coffee, refined and processed food should also be avoided.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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