An Effective Three-Step Evangelism Plan

Ask any pastor what the most frustrating part of his job is and he'll tell you it's getting the entire church to participate in evangelism.

For some reason, most Christians think that only ordained clergy or professionals can share the Good News. They even have a cliched old saying about it: Evangelism, they say, is for those paid to be good, not for those who are good for nothing.

However, the real truth of the matter is this: Evangelism - sharing the redemptive story of Jesus Christ - is the job of every Christian. No matter your age, occupation, educational background or church experience, if you know and follow Jesus, it is your job to tell others about Him.

But how?

By telling your story, that's how. Follow the New Testament pattern given us by the apostles and you will see a clear pattern. The great stories of evangelistic success all follow a three-step process.

Step #1: My life B.C.

Tell about your life Before Christ. Describe your family background. Did you come from a Christian home? What did church mean to you? What was your image of God? Tell about what drive you, your lifestyle, your emptiness and frustration. Offer enough details so your hearers will be able to relate to you.

Every believer has a unique story about the process of finding Christ. The experiences and situations that you lived before becoming a Christian all shaped your eventual decision. Make sure you tell about how you realized you were s sinner and destined to hell.

Step #2: My life in J.C.

Tell about how you turned your life over to Jesus Christ. There came a time when you took action. How did the Holy Spirit convict you to change your life direction? Try not to use "Christian-ese" words like repent or justification or sanctification. Use simple easy-to-understand language that conveys the overwhelming conviction you had of your sins and your realization that, on your own, you were doomed.

If you have a time and place when you prayed the Sinner's Prayer or followed an altar call or knelt down in your room to invite Christi into your life, by all means tell your audience. But if your way to salvation was a process, over time, be sure to share that. Just be honest. Your decision was the most significant choice you ever had made. In fact, it was the most significant decision you will ever make, too. Drive that point home.

Step #3: My life A.C.

Tell about your life After Christ. Again, honesty is the key here. Do you still have problems? You bet. Are you still a sinner? Yes. But has life changed for you. By 180 degrees. Talk about the ambitions, desires and passions of your life now. Tell your hearers how having a purpose has added focus and meaning to every minute you are alive. Talk about the peace and joy and love that now characterize your life.

Most of all, tell about where you know you will go when you breathe your last on this earth. Offer a brief description about heaven and the promise of Jesus to prepare a place for you there. And then talk about Jesus, what He means to you now and how He guides and directs your life through prayer and the Bible.

Three simple steps. You know the story. Before trying it live, take some time to write it down. From start to finish, it should take no longer than five minutes if you are sharing this one-on-one with a friend or relative. If you are speaking before a group in a formal presentation, you can adjust according to the time you are expected to speak.

But get your story down to an easily told length. Personally, I think three minutes is perfect. That way, you can have time in a normal conversation to answer the questions your hearer will inevitably have. Giving a response to an honestly-asked question is always better than force-feeding it.

After you have your story written down, practice giving it before a mirror. Say it out loud several times. Notice I said "say," not "read". You want to be familiar with this so that it flows naturally and doesn't come across as a presentation.

Final step: Go out and share your testimony.