Holy Vatican (Batman) Ratzinger!

The Catholic Church will come under great turmoil, many churches will lose their exemptions, and church property will be seized. That in a nutshell was the flavor and tone of the web bot linguistics from Cliff High last year. Well, lo and behold what kind of a holy mess is the Pope looking at now? Can we tie this in also with the 2012 prophecies? Say what?  :-)

St. Malachy (1094 - 1148) was the Archbishop of Armagh, to whom were attributed several miracles and a vision of the identity of the last 112 Popes. He was canonized by Pope Clement III, on July 6, 1199, the first Irish Saint to be Canonized. Let's hear it for the IRISH! His point (some 900 years ago) was that there would only be 112 Popes. So, here we are just 2+ years away from December 21, 2012 and in need of someone to replace Pope Benedict in the next 30 months

Can it happen?

New revelations about Pope Benedict XVI's alleged role in covering up accusations of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy have exposed the Vatican to the risk of lawsuits brought by victims around the world. Mounting anger at the Catholic Church's failure to act on predatory priests in the U.S., Europe and Mexico has plunged the papacy into an institutional crisis described by an American Catholic newspaper last week as "the largest in centuries."

The 2002 revelations of Catholic priest sex abuses in America were BIG, but what's going on now is much BIGGER!

Yesterday the Vatican denounced the "aggressive persistence" of critics who were attempting to "involve the Holy Father personally in the matter of abuse." A spokesman told Vatican Radio that the Pope's record was "above discussion." Well duh, isn't the Pope INFALLIBLE especially when it comes to moral issues? Ah, but when one looks at the history of the previous 110 Popes, the moral infallibility issue goes out the proverbial window.

Who knows where this is going to go, but this we do know: it's not going away soon and it just might usher in that infamous 112th Pope that Malachy talked about.