Plugged Ringing Ear - What Exactly is a Plugged Ear?

Plugged Ringing Ear

Normally this is only a temporary condition which could be the aftermath of a cold or a good deal of allergy. You should not need to do anything and everything approximately it unless it does not go away or the symptoms are pain and reduction of hearing. If this comes about you need to see your doctor. This is all about air pressure, your middle ear and your outer ear should both be at the same pressure. If you have a problem with your Eustachian tube [which connects your middle ear to the back of your nose] and it is blocked in some way it will not be able to open to let air through, thus sustaining the balance of pressure.

If you have what is known as plugged ear it means that your eardrum is not picking up sounds properly, they will sound muffled and unclear and you could also be suffering pain. You may be able to clear your Eustachian tube, the same way you get your normal pressure back in your ears when you are flying. You breathe in, pinch your nose and try to breathe out through your nose and generally you get a popping sensation which means you have restored the pressure balance. Don't do this too robustly, it is not necessary. This problem can last anywhere from just a few hours to a number of weeks.

The root cause regulates the length of time the condition remains. If your problem lasts too long, longer than a few weeks, you may have to seek help to relieve the symptoms, perhaps you have retained fluid which will have to be drained by an otolaryngologist, or ear, nose and throat doctor. Plugged Ringing Ear

You probably want to know why this plugged ear condition occurs, well it could be a number of things. You could have hay fever, excess ear wax, infection, foreign particles lodged in the ear, high altitude or Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. You could have water lodged in your inner ear from when you have been swimming, or it could be a symptom of a common cold.

When you are considering ear wax, though not a very nice subject nevertheless perfectly natural, you should always keep in mind that ear wax does have a function. Being a little acidic it serves to put a stop to bacterial and fungal growth. Like most things, sweating for instance, some people produce more than others, and too much ear wax can be troublesome and if it is really too much then your hearing could be affected.

When everything else fails, all the decongestants that you can buy etc. try using Pure Grain Alcohol [the sort you would buy to drink] put 2 drops in the affected ear once each morning and night for 2 days. You may be surprized how efficient this is to de-plug your ear. Don't despair, even though you are suffering now, you could find something that would get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms of plugged ear very soon. Suffering from Tinnitus and Ringing in Ear? Get your life back forever by checking out Plugged Ringing Ear now.