The Zodiac Signs And The Solar System

The solar system, as a scientific basis of astrology, influences the zodiac signs. As a matter a fact, every sign of the zodiac (I will refer further to the European zodiac) has a ruling planet that gives certain characteristics to the natives of the sign. As a reiteration of the macro cosmos inside the micro cosmos, the zodiacal system is tied to the existence and evolution of the stars and planets in such a way that, by only knowing how to look at the stars and how to interpret certain aspects, you can achieve a higher level of knowledge about yourself and your human surroundings.

Every major component of our solar system is very significant, starting with the most important of all, the Sun. The Sun is a masculine, positive planet ruling over the horoscope Leo, the fifth house, and it is said to have a great influence on Sunday, as an associated day of the week. The sun is a symbol of the unlimited universe, and its huge importance for the astrology is given by the fact that most of the people know their zodiac sign by the position of the Sun in the moment of their birth. The qualities given by the Sun to the native horoscope Leos are: generosity, enthusiasm, ambition, strong personality; but it also brings some flaws, such as rage, tyranny and selfishness.

The moon, a negative, feminine planet, reigns over the horoscope Cancer, the fourth house and Monday. It's a symbol of the human soul and of the memories. And, although the natives keep their own memories in a real sanctuary, they search for their happiness into the future. The horoscopes describes these natives as usually melancholic, romantic, day dreamers, but also very nervous.

Mercury, the planet that most influences the native Gemini and horoscope Virgo, the third and the sixth house and Wednesday, is a neutral planet, symbolizing the youth and communication, consciousness and reason. The natives are usually handy, full of intuition and grace, and their flaws are agitation and the exacerbated criticism.

The next important element of the solar system is Venus. Venus reigns over the native Taurus and Libra, the second and the seventh house and also Friday. Its nature is feminine, and this planet is considered to be the symbol of beauty and of feminine beauty, in particular. It is also a symbol of carnal pleasures and of lust. Love, beauty, harmony, tenderness, art, culture, luxury, values, artistic talent and physical attraction are all associated with this planet. The natives are addicted to physical pleasure, and they have the spirit of the artists. They are not jealous, rarely sad, but always looking for the satisfaction of their material, carnal needs.

These are the main lines that one should follow in his or her information-gathering process, when it comes to the first four planets of the solar system. When you read your daily horoscope or your monthly horoscope you will surely find such aspects describing your personality.