Who Us ????????????

"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and  it grieved him at his heart" (Gen.6:6)


It came to me in church one Sunday morning,

The preacher up on the pulpit,

The congregation getting fidgety

Just knowing that it is one of their sins being preached on sort of thing, you know, the usual.

We opened our bibles to Genesis 1:1, and read the whole chapter through.

The preacher spouting words of God,

The congregations Amen Brother, Amen

(By the way, have you noticed that those shouting amen, are really breathing a sigh of relief because it's not their sins that are being preached on this day.)

Anyway there's the preacher,

Preaching words of God, about how God created all that we see, hear, feel, and touch, and all that He created was made perfect to His will.

Well, me being a good Christian and all, I go along with what the preacher says for I do believe all what God says to me in His Word, because my bible tells me thatALL THAT GOD CREATED, WAS GOOD.


I look around me and begin to wonder

If, (as any true believer should believe) that every thing God created was good as it says in Genesis 1:4,10,12,18,21,24,and in verse 31"It was very Good"Then, who created this mess that we face today?

Who are we going to blame for this?



Satan can influence, but he can not create.

If we need to point fingers anywhere, it should be at ourselves, throughour hatreds, our own misconceptions, our biasness, or arrogance, our egos, and our greediness.

Welcome Folks,

To the world we created to live in.

Look at it,

Without the blinders on.

Religions at war with one another

All claiming peace

All claiming to have a piece of God for themselves

Though none really realizing

That's it not the question of all claiming a piece of God

The question should be

Can God claim a piece of you?

Government's at war, and for what

Who can amass the biggest stockpile of highly dangerous nuclear play toys?

Weapons of mass destruction

All in the name of peace


Murder and Mayhem

Envy and Greed

Biasness and Hatred

Isn't that what you see?

Like It?


Then don't you think it's time for a change?

GODdid not create this mess that we live in!

My bible tells me, thatEVERY THING GOD CREATED WAS GOOD!


I do believe it's time for a change

A change of mind

A change of heart

Put aside our differences, and instead of all this inner animosity of everything and anything around us.

Let's face it for once and do as God says and start the change, by first changing us, each and every one of us.

"And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart."


Folks in closing  I leave this with this thought in mind

If it Grieved God for making man at the time of Noah due to the arrogance, hatred, ego, bigotry, and greediness of man at that time. Can you just imagine just how much We are grieving him now in this day and age?

Let's do the right thing for once,

stopping ourselves before it's to late.