The Minority Report

In the 2002 movie, The Minority Report, we discover that in the future, criminals are caught before the crimes they commit, but one of the officers in the special unit is accused of one such crime and sets out to prove his innocence. The key here though is the ability to fashion-change the future. Can we do that today?

Who is it that changes the future?

It certainly can't be the church with its conservative bias and turf-protecting traditions. Carl Jung says it this way, "For many the rewards of clinging to spiritual infancy in the name of fidelity or commitment to a final revelation are too great to be abandoned. The security of certitude, of possessing the final truth as a member of a chosen people, a people set apart, simply outweighs the pain of disorientation that invariably accompanies the risk of growth."

Disorientation is but one of pains.

Our ego wants to know, wants to be in charge, and be a framer the outcome of each event and moment. And then there are those who just follow their instincts, live by intuition, and listen to the voice within. They are the ones that change the world. They are the ones who are always in the minority. No change for the better in history was ever brought about by the majority.

But aren't those in the minority unorthodox?

A major area of contention today is in the realm of healing. Both science and religion are digging their heels in to protect their ERUDITE traditional doctrines and beliefs; however, Bernard Grad (Ph.D.) writes, "In healing we are dealing with an energy that knows what it wants to do." In life there's a Spirit (energy) that also knows what it wants to do.

Will we let it?