We Are Still Living In The Dark Ages

The Dark Ages, (476–800) was when life was described as an era of ignorance, superstition, or social chaos or repression. Where truth and science were suppressed by religious dogma.

It never ceases to amaze me that, in this atomic age, so many people still believe in gods, Astrology, Numerology, Phrenology, Tarot cards, Fortune tellers and all the other rubbish. Check out James Randi and find out who for years has been offering one million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate so-called psychic ability.

GODS. There are literally thousands of different religions in the world. Which one do you follow? The one that you were born into and brainwashed with of course. Thus you will follow like sheep and pass on all that rubbish to YOUR children: self perpetuating misinformation!

Hinduism was started around 3000BC, then came Judaism around 2000BC, then Budhism around 450 BC, Christianity around 32AD and finally Islam about 570AD. Before all that there was polytheism or the worship of multiple gods so I guess all those millions of nice people are sitting in Hell.

If you had lived in Ancient Greece you would have believed in the gods Uranus, Gaia, Chronos, Apollo, Athena and Zeus etc. So why didn't YOUR god appear and tell THEM what to believe in? BECAUSE HE DID NOT EXIST is why!

Let's consider the Christian Bible, the book that claims that the earth is flat (four corners), The human race was started with incest (Adam and Eve etc) and that the sun orbits the earth. Many, many stories contained in that book are plagiarized from ancient western culture and pre-Colombian Mythology. If you believe them, please get in touch with me as I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm sure you will be interested in buying.. Check out Noah's Ark at skepdic.

Most people in the world don't bother thinking for themselves but just accept whatever they are taught by their peers.

On to a couple of  questions. If we did not evolve from animals, why in the world do we have fur and claws? You can call them body hair and nails but "A rose by any other name, is still a rose." Why, when you are scared, does the hair on the back of your neck rise?  Why, if you run into a dangerous situation, do you suddenly get a cold sweat and your heartbeat quickens…the animal "fight or flight" reflex?

ASTROLOGY:   READ MY LIPS! There has never been any way of changing or even forecasting the future!  Why on earth would the position of planets when you happened to be born, have any influence on your character or your life. Your character is dependent upon your genes and your upbringing. Your life is not prearranged and you have immense control over it. If distant objects in space are able to influence the character and lives of human beings to the degree claimed, then one would have to throw all fundamental principles of physics, biology and chemistry out of the window!

NUMEROLOGY. Do you really believe that the digits in your name your phone number, or your date of birth can exert any influence on your life? Totally ridiculous!

PHRENOLOGY. The stupid idea that lumps on one's head can demonstrate the person's character and mental abilities. Luckily, unlike some of the other rubbish, this is mainly passé.

TAROT.  How can shuffling a few Tarot cards and then dealing them to you possibly foretell what is going to happen to you? It is just absolute chance.

FORTUNE TELLERS.  If so called Fortune Tellers really knew anything, they wouldn't need to charge you a few dollars to predict your future. All they would have to do would be to predict the lottery numbers just one time. I was amused to read that in the UK a few months ago, a bunch of so-called psychics demonstrated after a ruling was announced that they would have to prove their claims. This just proved that they were full of baloney because if they could REALLY see into the future, they would have demonstrated BEFORE the rule was announced!

To give you some idea as to how flexible the mind is, I used to perform hypnosis. I would take someone and show them a painting which they did not like. Then I would hypnotize them and suggest that the painting was the most beautiful one that they had ever seen. When I woke them up and showed them the painting again, they would rave over the quality and clearly explain to everyone present exactly why they thought that it was so outstanding.

Most people are gullible and easily influenced. Why else do you think advertisers spend millions of dollars pushing their products? Do you ever see anything for sale for $20? Never! It's always $19.99 because they know that you will think that is a lot less.

Look up at the stars: zillions of them. So many worlds out there, that our entire universe is probably just an atom. Our world and its occupants are so insignificant that, if there was such a thing as a divine entity, he would have absolutely no interest in us humans. Seems that people are so scared of facing the fact that one day they are going to die, that they invent an afterlife that they can look forward to. In actual fact, we are just like flowers. We come from a seed: we grow and mature: we drop our own seeds to continue the species and then we whither away and die. Why should WE go to heaven and not the animals? After all they are living creatures too, supposedly created by some god ala "All creatures great and small." Belief in religion and so-called paranormal experiences only gives people some comfort and enables them to function without thinking of the inevitable. Personally I don't need that. Do you?

So why not start questioning things? Think for yourself and stop following the crowd. Or would you rather just plod along in the Dark Ages, deluding yourself?