Understanding the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind plays a powerful role in dictating our day-to-day actions. Like the neural computer it is, the subconscious can selectively turn "programs" on and off, pursuing or abandoning goals, following motivations, and reacting to stimuli in the world around us. It is, in essence, the "boss of us." What most people don't realize, however, is that the power of the subconscious mind can be tapped.

Can the subconscious mind be programmed?

When you understand that the subconscious mind is actually a powerful neural "computer," you also realize that it can be programmed and reprogrammed. We do it all the time without even being aware of what we're doing. Through our conversations with friends and co-workers, the information we get from the TV and radio, and all the myriad experiences and thoughts we have every day, we are constantly writing and rewriting the "code" that defines us as human beings -- that makes us who we are.

The Power of Subconscious Mind.

As you seek to tie into the power of your subconscious mind, remember that negative thoughts make change extremely difficult. Positive goals, the genuine desire to think or to behave differently, and the use of positive affirmations are, however, powerful tools at our disposal to use the subconscious in a constructive way. It may be easier to rely on the same old habits, to complain, or to blame other people, but by taking the easy way out, we're actually allowing our subconscious to control and to manipulate our thoughts and behavior.

Your subconscious controls your habits.

Habits form over time, usually a period of years, and are then difficult to break. Not all habits are necessarily bad, but many are self-defeating and welcome failure and counter-productive behaviors into our daily actions and interactions. Cultivating positive habits in almost any aspect of our lives is key to our peace of mind, health, and often our wealth and livelihood.

How can I reprogram my subconscious mind?

Reprogramming your subconscious mind begins with the realization that there are modes of thinking or types of behavior you want to or need to change. From there, it's simply a matter of finding and using the best tools.

  • Use Affirmations. - Regardless of the technique you choose, positive affirmations are very important. A major goal in working with your subconscious is to banish negativity.
  • Self hypnosis. - Many people turn to self hypnosis, which is really a series of guided meditations. This works well for some people, but others have difficulty maintaining a receptive frame of mind. There are, however, a wealth of self-hypnosis CDs available as well as guides to creating your own.
  • Subliminal messages. - The use of subliminal recordings has grown in popularity due to their effectiveness. These positive suggestions are directed entirely to your subconscious mind with no conscious effort required on your part. The subliminal messages can either be words or phrases pitched at a frequency too low for your ears to actually process or they can be images inserted in micro-second bursts in a video.

Any determined effort to understand and to use the subconscious mind will show results. It's a law of science that the act of observation changes that which is observed. Simply being aware of your thought patterns and habits opens the door to altering them to their maximum effective potential.

For the fastest results, however, obtaining well-targeted and produced subliminal materials will allow you to see changes in a matter of days. Unlike hypnosis tapes, subliminal recordings can generally be used in a variety of settings and do not require active attention on your part. This makes them a more flexible means of behavior modification that will give you access to the most powerful, but least understood portion of your own mind.