Self Esteem Means Feeling Good Inside: How to Feel Good Inside

Self Esteem is what we experience when we feel good about ourselves and when we feel good inside. What makes you feel good inside?

I think when you feel you like what you are doing, where you are going and feel you have your priorities right. Feeling good means being satisfied with what you have, with what you are doing and where you are going. Next month we will look at how ambition can help or hinder you in your search for self esteem. Let's continue with this article's theme......

Don't make the common mistake of comparing your achievements to someone else or to what you believe you should have done up to this point. You will NEVER measure up and you will bring yourself down. LOW SELF ESTEEM.

What you need to feel good inside is within your power. It is not the result but the route to achievement. You will have high self esteem when you have a sense of direction, satisfaction about your choices and actions and know that you are doing your best and doing something good.

- Do your best and you will respect yourself for it. If you don't you will know. You can cheat others but not yourself.

- Be honest and kind to others. Give yourself NO chance to be self critical.

- For most people doing good things brings satisfaction and a good feeling inside. If you have done something wrong and feel guilty about it your self esteem will suffer. Try to help others. Spend time with your kids, listen to others, call someone - be nice! Your self opinion will go up and you will feel self respect. The bonus is that others will be grateful to you and this will also boost your self esteem!

- Focus your thoughts on what is right in your life and on what you like. How can you make things better? Don't neglect ever what you want from life. Some sacrifice is necessary especially if you have family but you don't have to be a martyr. Self Esteem will only blossom when you decide to love yourself.

- One of the benefits of Self Esteem is confidence in yourself and knowing realistically where you are and where you are going. But careful - don't aim too high. Keep your sights on small improvements and planning to get where you want to be. Each time you have a small success you can feel happy and motivated to continue.

- Give and be generous! Give your time and of yourself. By doing this you will have no guilt when you want to spend time alone or on your own projects. if you organise yourself you CAN make time for yourself and others. You will feel more in balance and will feel you are living your life.