The Secret - to Change Your Life. (excerpt From the Revolutionary Change - Unlock the Secret to Producing Change in Your Life.)

This is a sample from Stephen Owens book "The Revolutionary Change"

Chapter 1
Have you succeeded?

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”(1)

The word success has been used so much in the past few years that it becomes difficult to know what this word truly means. People from all walks of life have formed their own meanings of this popular word. To succeed, or to be successful at a given task is relative. What is constituted as success for one person can differ for another according to individual perception. The word success is commonly defined as:

• Recognized by other through attainment of wealth and notoriety.

It’s unsettling that most people think success, is only measured by material wealth and social stature. True success is more than having things that money can buy and being held in high esteem by the masses. Another view of success in need to have lasting fulfillment:

• To attain that which you have desired.

This one explanation strikes at the core of true success.


Desire is the starting point of every kind of success known to mankind. Desire is the state of mind one has when he or she is longing and craving for something. When a person wants something badly and can’t live without it, desire has reached its peak.

Yet, most people use this state of mind only to attain high positions in their communities, workplaces and organizations or to obtain worldly possessions. Be careful not to misinterpret what is being said here. There is nothing wrong with being esteemed by people. It is also acceptable to possess material luxuries. But if powerful positions and money are the only things that can account for success in your life, then you have not succeeded at all.

Life is more than monetary gain and power. When you have succeeded in life you have become successful in every aspect. True success is when you have accomplished the goals you were created for and you are in harmony with your relationships to others (family, co-workers & friendships). Once you have obtained these two aspects of success, money and position fall into their proper place. As previously mentioned, desire is the starting point for success. Remember, desire is a state of mind and not everyone has the same way of thinking.

Ideal and Perception

The way you think produces the way you see your opportunities and possibilities. Your thoughts are foundational to your future. The way you think about what is achievable is called your ideal. It is your standard, model, pattern, or frame of reference when you think about what is possible for your life. The word ideal declares how we perceive reality to be, but the word perception gives us a glimpse of how we came to this conclusion. Perception is a function your mind uses to comprehend and assemble information from the world.

The mind uses perception to comprehend and formulate one’s pattern of thought pertaining to life and what is achievable. Our thoughts are the results of our environment, circumstances, and upbringing. The beliefs and views we accept and believe created our ideals.

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