Daily Motivation

Many times...when wake up early in the morning... feel very lazy coz thinking of the piling up of work loads in the office. Sometimes, it's not about the work but most of the times it has some kind of relations on motivations. We don't have suffice or rather lacking of motivation to drive us to move forward..... what is it?

Everyday going to office, doing the same thing, look at the same thing, mingle with the same people, arguing for nothing..... so boring, isn't it? WHY???? Look at your surrounding environment.... Is it OK? Look at your work process... Is it OK? Look at your surrounding friends or colleagues.... are they OK?? Look at your BOSS or LEADER...... is she/he OK? Most and foremostlook at yourself.... are you OK?

You, yourself have to make sure that you are physically and mentally FINE.... Clear your mind, clear your table, organize your things and prioritize your work. Nothing to lose if you can make it a habit. It really works. You should have an objective in your life. What you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to gain daily, weekly, monthly, yearly....up to you.SET YOUR LIFE OBJECTIVES.... then only you will feel that life is wonderful. Don't think so much of what other people can give you butTHINK OF WHAT YOU CAN GIVE TO YOURSELF.....

Sometimes, plan can be achievable but sometimes it doesn't turn up like what has been planned ahead. When you reach at this point, you will definitely at the bottom of the bell curve...very demotivated.... and it will take sometimes for you to lever your own motivation... therefore you need to have concreteMOTIVATION DRIVERSsuch as your kids, your family, your objective and so on...... that you think will keep you motivated always. Write it, read it, memorize it and paste it at the point or any angle that close to you.... it really works..... Life is not getting simpler but complicated...... So, do something...COZ LIFE HAS TO GO ON.