How to stop the worry, doubt, and fear in your life

A small pity party from time to time really does not hurt you. If you find your self wallowing in pity then you probably need this advice.

Life is full of ups and downs and if you think you are the only one with problems then think again. However, you probably already know you are not the only one and just need a push in the right direction.

When we feel sorry for ourselves there usually is a good reason. It can be a biggie, like the death of a family member or something relatively small like you can not get into your "skinny" jeans.

No matter what the reason, somehow feeling sorry for your self has taken over your life. You are self aware enough to know that you must do something to begin to feel more positive again, but what?

Signs you are feeling sorry for yourself

1 You cry alone
2 You isolate yourself from others
3 You constantly relive conversations/experiences in your head
4 You sleep too little or too much
5 You have too little, or too much, appetite

At this point you may actually find your self feeling a different emotion, anger. That is a good thing because at least it is moving you to action. You can not stay where you are and feel better so let us begin!

How to stop feeling sorry for yourself

1 Ask a different question. Instead of "why did this happen to me", ask "how can I turn what has happened into a positive.
2 Recognize your reasons for feeling sorry as a way to grow instead of reasons to retreat
3 Feel your power. You are putting your power into this negative state of mind and you can decide to put your power anywhere you want.
4 Decide. One word but it packs a wallop. Is this where you want to stay?
5 Take action. Often this is simply making the decision every morning when you wake up to not let your self be a victim of sorry today.

The person who decides to stop feeling sorry for themselves has made a positive decision. You will instantly know it because somewhere inside you will feel good even if it is just a tiny bit.

You will have to practice feeling empowered but you will feel it! The positive feelings will begin to outnumber the negative ones.

You will find solutions to whatever problems you are having. The simple act of waking up and saying "today I will not feel sorry for myself" starts the ball rolling.

Here is something to remember, you may find that you do need a coach or counselor to help you in some areas. Because you are empowering your self you will be open to positive change and be willing to accept help as it presents itself.