Fear is one of the greatest enemies which robs us of all our joy, contentment and peace. Fear is really anticipation of loss or harm to one's sense of "I-ness" or ego. This loss or harm may be physical but more often it is psychological.
Our worries and fears about the future prevent us from experiencing the joy and happiness which exist here right now.
Anxiety, nervousness, worry and phobia are not exactly fears but they are similar to fear in nature.
Enlightened persons have proved after facing all sorts of situations that existence of fear is in mind only. It has no concrete existence anywhere other than your mind. Control of fear is basically control of your mind and imagination and removal of false beliefs anchored in the mind.
Attachment and dependence on external objects: When we feel the intense dependency on something we are inevitably afraid of losing it. What we feel that we must have, is what we fear losing. Rather than squarely facing the fact that everything in life is subject to change, we desperately try to hold on to objects and situations.
Feeling of separateness: Whatever we see as separate from ourselves, inevitably becomes a source of fear. This separation, this duality creates discomfort, disharmony and at times even a feeling of loneliness and isolation.
Disbelief in God and cosmic order: If we don't believe that there is a ruler of the world who is running the world according to some cosmic order and divine laws, we are bound to be fearful. Such an attitude is bound to keep you in a state of constant insecurity and fear. With disbelief in God, you lose a firm base to hold onto in times of crises and adversities.
Feeling of self-inadequacy: Many people do not have confidence in their calibre and capability and consider themselves as worthless persons. They develop an inferiority complex and always remain self-conscious and shaky before others. The constant feeling of inadequacy lowers their confidence more and more and thus creates a vicious circle of increasing fear for them.
Know the things you fear: Lay your fears out before you, bring them into light and see them as they really are. They will disappear like a mist in front of the Sun.
Do the things you fear: To overcome the fear you will have to take the risk which you have been avoiding all through and finally do the very thing you are afraid of. And you have to continue to do this exercise till such time when the fear totally disappears. Do remember that avoiding fearsome situations is not the solution to remain free from the tyranny of fears.
Don't identify yourself with the dangers: Observe your dangers from a distance like a spectator. See them coming to you and gradually passing away.
Don't think constantly about the things you fear: If your thoughts are on something pleasant rather than your fears, you can't be disturbed, no matter what the fear is. There are many more dangers in life than the ones you are fearing, so be rational about your fears.