How to Stop Being Sleepy When you Need to Finish Work

1. Don’t eat. Eating makes you sleepy . No if’s or but’s.

2. Drink fresh fruit juice and shakes. They keep the hunger pangs off and they have enough natural taste to perk you up a little.

3. Take 3 to 5 minute exercise breaks. Do bodyweight exercises to really get the blood flowing in short bursts of time. 100 straight Hindu squats are my freaking favorite. I will also do push-ups, Hindu pushups, crunches, situps, and wall crawls. Works like fuck!

4. Take caffeine. It’s a really a good jolt, no matter what anybody says. I take either super strong coffee that I will cook myself or Extra Joss powdered energy drink.

5. Jack off. I seriously do this when I work weird hours at home. I open my favorite porn, stashed in my super secret directories, and whack it. You know how after you’re done, you start hating the porn and the nasty thoughts you just had? Guilt wakes you up dude! Hehe.

6. Splash water on your face or if a shower’s available, turn up the cold water and soak it up!

7. Brush your teeth. Minty toothpaste wakes me up.

8. Don’t take a powernap. That’s actually my experience. Powernaps make me want to sleep more. So take it as one guy’s experience. Most people seem to work well with it.

9. Multi-task with something that requires working with your hands. I like to multi-task by picking apart appliances or cleaning my bathroom when I work at home. In the office , I used to pick apart simple toys or do stupid origami I see on the internet. For some reason, tactile work keeps me from tuning out.

10. Quit working because working is for chumps.:D Seriously, nothing is so important that it’s allowed to kill you. Get some perspective. Do it tomorrow if you really have to.