Mentored by a Millionaire Book Review<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->
The book mentored by a millionaire is a self help book that teaches the fundamental traits that it takes to supercharge your achievement skills to be successful in life, and in your passions. It teaches that its better to be successful and happy in life then it is to be 'just' rich. However if you fine tune and hone those skills that are more geared towards financial reward – you can easily have both! Steven Scott is the author of the book mentored by a millionaire and he talks about his path to financial freedom and success did not come without its pitfalls; infact Steven confesses that his first 6 years after graduate school he bounced from job to job... making below financial means... That was of course until he learned the 15 simple key ingredients that once he implemented them created a supercharged vehicle to success! Not only did he find and implement these traits himself, but he also found that these traits are commonly demonstrated by every other overachiever he has had the honor of knowing and/or studying. Steven Scott's mentored by a millionaire is a visual empowering book and he tells you the difference between a 'teacher' and a 'mentor' and how they are significantly different. He creates this guide as an easy to chew guide to success. In his first few chapters of mentored by a millionaire Steven talks about the importance of Effective Partnering. Effective Partners are people that mentor you towards your goals and fill in the holes of your weaknesses and enhance your strengths and visa-versa. Steven's Mentored by a millionaire also goes that step further and teaches you how to find that effective partner that can propel you to your success. I couldn't agree with Steven more, Effective Partnering is the number one key ingredient to success. With an effective mentor in place it will enhance and propel your effectiveness towards success 100fold. Steven compares it to walking to a destination compared to Driving, and goodness Driving will get you there that 100 times faster then if you ever tried walking even in new shoes! Not to mention effective partnering will decrease your chances of failure! If your ready to propel your success, and to be mentored by a millionaire there is no better time than now to take control of your life! You have the chance now to be partnered with a team of online mentors who will teach you how to build a successful business online. Go ahead and click the link at the end of this article because we are always looking to partner with people who are ready to achieve their dreams, goals, aspirations, and are Ready For Success! <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><input id="jsProxy"> |