Dealing With Manifestation Delays

Have you ever found yourself hanging in limbo, waiting for something you desperately want - no, NEED - to manifest, but it's just not happening no matter what you do?

You visualize, you imagine, you affirm, you believe - and yet it's still not coming. So you visualize a bit harder, more often, more intensely. You keep believing with all of your might that it's coming soon. You start seeing "signs" and synchronicities everywhere you go - and you are SO SURE it's getting ready to break through - but it STILL doesn't happen!

Day after day you keep wondering if there's something else you're supposed to do to make it happen, some magical incantation you can recite to hurry things along. You wonder if you're doing something to hold it back without meaning to, so you start analyzing your every move, every affirmation, every picture in your mind. But all of it seems to be in order. You can't think of a single thing that you might be doing wrong.

This is a familiar situation to most conscious creators! In fact, you are probably nodding your head vigorously as you read this. Most of us have been there at least once or twice - some of us a lot more than that. ;-) It's a frustrating place to be, that's for sure. But what is really happening when you find yourself stuck like that?

In my experience, it usually means that I'm trying to hurry things along. Either I really need what I'm trying to attract, or I'm depending on it to arrive by a certain time or I will face possible negative consequences. Not surprisingly, the longer it seems to take, the more frustrated I get. You can probably identify with that.

But if there is one thing I've learned along my journey to conscious creation, it's that you can't hurry manifestation. (Or love, ha!) The very mind-set of "NEEDING" something to happen by a certain date will most certainly delay it. Need, desperation, frustration, exasperation, agitation, stress, disappointment - they are all SURE precursors to blockages.

When you find yourself in this type of situation, there is only ONE thing to do: LET GO.

Be okay with not getting what you want right away. Be okay with things staying as they are.

I know that's easier said than done, but strangely there is also a certain sense of peace that comes along with giving up the fight. When you've been trying to FORCE something to happen quickly, you are expending a LOT of mental and emotional energy! As a result you end up feeling worn out and depleted.

On the other hand, surrendering to the universe's higher wisdom and letting go inspires a sense of calm detachment and peace in the present moment. You realize that you're still okay, even without this thing you want so desperately.

Letting go does not mean you won't get what you want. It means you are choosing to know that you're okay without it right NOW. It means that the arrival of it will be a great bonus, but your inner peace and well-being are not dependent upon it.

More often than not, we look to our outer circumstances to determine whether our intentions are working or not, but the outer clues don't always tell the full story. What we can't see is all of the energy and magnetism we've already built up in the invisible. We can't see that our desire is getting ready to break through - and it WILL break through, unless we begin creating blockages that prevent it from doing so.

Yes, our very feelings of desperation and frustration are what create the blockages! The longer we stay in that frustrated mind-set, the longer we're going to delay the arrival of what we want.

The next time you find yourself hanging in limbo between wanting something desperately and noticing you do not yet have it - STOP and LET GO. Just let go. Turn it over to the universe. Be okay with not having it. You can still visualize having it, you can still believe it's coming. But DETACH from any need to have it RIGHT NOW.

In my experience, this is often the missing key needed to pull it into physical reality.