Start Acting on Your Ideas and Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

We all have dreams at times. Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut when you grew up or dreamed that you were going to rescue the world from cancer.

Sometimes those dreams are pure fantasy (but they're fun to indulge occasionally). And sometimes those dreams deserve to get more of our attention. So how can you start acting on your ideas so that you're not forever branded a dreamer by your friends and work colleagues?

One of the difficulties with turning dreams into reality is working out what's actually feasible After all, if almost any major discovery had been put through a reality check first, chances are it would never have happened:

"We're going to sit in a small box at the top of a large tube, fill it with tons of highly explosive liquid, light that liquid and fly to the moon and back." Yeah, right.

"I'm going to sail out onto the ocean and I won't fall over the edge. Instead I'll find a whole new continent for us to live in." Nice idea but it's doomed - you really will fall off the edge of the world.

"What if people could use the letters on their mobile phone to tap out messages to their friends?" No-one will ever do that (or at least that's what the phone companies originally thought about SMS texts).

And so on...

So what can you do to turn the process of "possibly bright idea" into something that you actually work on until you can fully decide whether it's going to work?

That's where hypnosis comes into play.

Our subconscious minds are good at following instructions. They do it all the time, helping us with all the different things our bodies need to do. But they can also work as a powerful incubation system for ideas.

Using the power of hypnosis, we can help ourselves to focus on all those different ideas that fly through our mind and, until now, never rest anywhere.

It can then turn the focus from dreaming about doing something to actually carrying it out. Wow, now there's a thought!

Most people carry on with things once they've started them. But starting is the problem - it's like staring at a blank sheet of paper that somehow needs to morph itself into a full blown essay or project. Once you've started typing, it's a lot easier than hitting those keys and typing the first word or two.

Hypnosis can form the bridge between all those good ideas that never used to see the light of day and turning them into reality.