Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

No matter who you are, motivation is something that everyone will need in their life from time to time. However, because of the fact that every individual is different it takes different factors to motivate people.

Some people are motivated by a goal, some people are motivated because they do not want to be made fun of and others are motivated because they simply would like to have change in their life.

Extrinsic motivation is something that a lot of people are motivated by. It can be defined as motivation that comes from outside of a person. Your motivation comes from outside from rewards such as money or good grades. These rewards provide the individual with a type of satisfaction and pleasure that they do not get from the task itself.

Someone that is motivated extrinsically is the type of person that will participate in a task even if they know that they have very little interest in it. They are driven by the anticipation and satisfaction that they will get from the reward they are going to receive.

The rewards can be a wide variety of things. They can be something as small as a sticker to add to their collection and can even be something a lot bigger such as a car, a house or something that everyone loves money.

Another example would be if an extrinsically motivated person who hated science would work hard on the science solutions given to them because they want the reward that is given to them upon completion. If you are looking at it from the perspective of a student the reward would be a good mark on the assignment or even in the class.

Although it may seem odd, people get pleasure and are motivated by many different things. At the end of the day it really comes down to what works best for the individual and in these cases it is extrinsic motivation.