The Secret to Manifestation

I've got some big dreams I'd love to see happen.
I bet you do too.
I'd love to share my thoughts with you about some basic keys to success which I've been applying to my life in order to make those dreams a reality. These days, these "secrets" are becoming less of a secret. However, how to actually follow those keys can be a bit tricky to do, especially when most of us have mental, emotional and lifestyle habits that don't necessarily support those big changes. No matter how long you work on shifting your relationship to reality, there is still more work to do. If you are especially savvy, that work can be a way to approach life more lightly instead of making changes that really do feel like work.
Life Mapping
If you wanted to build a house, you'd use a blueprint. To make your dreams come true, it's good to be clear about what it is you actually want. Making a "life map" is a creative way to embrace your dreams. Take a while to write of a description of what you want in your life. Then get a big piece of paper or poster board, some magazines with great pictures, and some paints and or pens. Draw, collage and/ or paint your dreams in living color. Don't worry about it being perfect. Remember, this is supposed to be fun. It's great to leave this up somewhere in your home as a reminder or where you are headed.
It's Already So, Right?
An important part of creating the reality you want is done by placing your vision in the proper spot on the time line... the present. When we visualize things in the future, they stay that way.... in the future. Placing them in the present helps them to manifest in the here and now, at this time, on this planet, in this life. When you are doing this meditation, get all your senses into it. What does it feel like? Sound like? Look like? Taste and smell like? Enjoy that sense of success and completion.
An Attitude of Gratitude
No matter what you want that's different than what you've got, you've already got a lot. By really appreciating the blessing of your life, you draw in more blessings. When we are negative and sour, we get more things to be negative and sour about. When you appreciate, you get to have your fun twice. Once when you are appreciating, and then later, when you've got more to appreciate. Actively seek things to be grateful about daily. Appreciate those around you regularly. Everybody will be happier.
Watch That Mind!
The mind can be a big trouble maker. There you are, doing your best to make reality better through positive thought and attitude. The next thing you know, your mind is creating a whole sad-afraid-angry story about "How your life is." Enough is enough! Stop being such a party pooper, you mind you! It's good to practice discerning awareness, but it's not so useful to be thinking about something you've already mulled over ad infinitum. It doesn't change a thing, except to succeed in getting your panties in a bigger twist. Watch your mind, and when it starts getting agitated, change the channel. You might find there will be a lot of action with the remote control in the beginning, but I promise, it WILL get better.
Don't Sweat the Little Stuff (or the big stuff)
Obsessing on what ain't happening just digs you a deeper hole for you to fall into. Worrying and over-planning just creates more misery. Taking a strangle hold on your life squeezes out the joy. When we let the difficult bits of our lives roll away like water off a duck's back, it's a lot easier to be positive and happy. When I find myself worrying or overstrategizing life, I imagine a gateway of light before me. In the infinite light of Divine wisdom there is always a way through. I step into that light and TRUST the way is opening before me. It works just great.
Practice Joy
Believe it or not, your emotional state is a matter of choice. You can choose joy, love, happiness and peace in a moment. It is true that we have neurochemical cascades that create tendencies towards depression and other stressful states. These cascades are habits, and habits can be broken. However, it does require persistence in order to transform them. Try it out. What does peace feel like? What does joy feel like? What does love feel like? Give yourself a moment to cultivate each of these states and make them living experiences...not just ideas. Do it regularly throughout your day... if only for a moment. Put a smile on your face and transpose it to your heart. It feels SO good, and you CAN feel the way you really want to, providing you are more invested in feeling happy than you are in proving how tough your life is by feeling bummed out.
Be Easy
And most importantly, be easy on yourself about it all. Do your best. You can't do better than that. Every moment of your day you are always doing your best with the amount of energy, well being, information and experience you have. Everything is unfolding perfecting in it's own perfect time. Trust and be kind to yourself.
© Sylvia Brallier
Author of the award winning book, " target="_self"
Dancing in the Eye of Transformation, 10 Keys to Creative Consciousness
Dean of The Anamcara Life Empowerment Program
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