Feeling Vulnerable?

You’re hollow. You’re feeling unsure and naked…the walls that were protecting you, are gone. This is what you’re experiencing when you’re feeling vulnerable. It happens when you develop feelings for someone, meet someone new and open up your heart. This especially applies to people who have ‘control issues’. Trust me, I know what you’re going through. Every person feels vulnerable at many points in their lives. It’s natural. Here’s how to deal with it:

1. It’s OK!
If that person is worth it, accept the feeling.

2. Take a deep breath and let go of the fear.
Don’t sabotage yourself or the relationship with your overthinking . You don’t want to hold yourself back from something that could be incredible!

3.The only way to find out to LIVE and LEARN
The only way to find out is to go all the way and learn from it. No matter how you’re tempted to put your walls up again, DON’T! Allow yourself to feel.

4. Don’t share your insecurities with him/her
Communication is great but this doesn’t mean you have to share every deep insecurity. So share your thoughts and concerns to improve your relationship/communication. Just don’t tell him/her about all your insecurities because it’ll put you at a disadvantage.

5. Have faith and trust
Know that all this happens for a reason and you can choose totrustthat it’ll run it’s course and you’ll gain from this experience.

Vanae’s tip of the dae:It’s natural to feel vulnerable, so allow yourself to feel the emotions. Think of yourself as an animal, shedding your outer layer during the right season. You may be vulnerable for a short time, but will develop a stronger and more beautiful shell at the end. It’ll be worth the investment.

How did you deal with the last time you felt vulnerable?