The primary differentiating factor between the Rich and the Poor are their HABITS. In order to be rich you need to learn the habits of the rich. And in order to learn the habits of the rich you need to understand the habits of the poor, so that you can see it in start contrast. I am a firm believer of the fact that ‘Thoughts leads to Feelings, Feelings leads to Action and Action leads to Results'. From my experience I feel the biggest area for improvement lies in the first step; Thoughts. I would like to focus on how to improve your thought process, so that you can start thinking like the rich. The first difference is that the Rich believe that "I am the architect of my own life, whereas the poor believe that "life happens to me". The rich want to believe that they are in control of their lives. This makes them want to take responsibility for everything that happens to them. Jim Rohn says, "If you change, everything will change for you". That is classic rich thinking. The focus is always on self-development. On the other hand, the poor believe that they are innocent bystanders in the big game of life that God plays. Everything that happens to them is predestined and is brought about by God himself. "If God wants it like that, so be it. Who am I to go to change it?" of course, if you have a mindset as such you will forever feel victimized and this shows up through 3 clues. Clue#1: Blaming. They blame everything and everybody but themselves for what's happening in their life. "I am right, everybody else is wrong". Finger-pointing exercise is quite common to this lot Clue#2: Justification. Poor people always justify why things are not going well for them, especially when it comes to matters of money. "Money is not that important" is one common example of poor mindset. T. Harv Eker says, "If someone comes up to me and says that, I know he is broke". Zig Ziglar puts it wonderfully, "If someone says that they are not interested in money, then they would lie about other things too". Clue#3: Complaining. It's a natural law that ‘what you focus on expands'. So if you are focusing on complaining, you are focusing on what's wrong with your life. As a result, the wrong thing in your life expands and gets worse. This is the best part: have you noticed that many people love to hang out and listen to complainers. Why do you think is that? Because, they are waiting for their turn to complain! If you want to think like the rich, stop hanging around the victims of life. Before you know it their negative energy will infect you. Now you know. No more excuses! God bless. John Bino ParentsINCorporated "Empowering people to increase their value to society" |