The answer to EVERYTHING - I thinkI was listening to a London radio station this morning and there was a brief discussion about youths and their attitude. This has been a regular topic for some time now, popping up on TV shows, in news papers etc. There are many reasons as to why things are the way they are; lack of education, broken homes and upbringing in general. I think the answer/reason is simple, that is not to say I think it can be resolved easily. I mentioned just three of the many common reasons regularly discussed and all of the reasons I mentioned should be directed at the adults bringing our youths up, which would lead me to believe it's the adults and not the youths we need to pay more attention to. I'm a strong believer in cause and effect and in the being responsible for your actions and during this article I don't want to lose sight of that at any point. But it is the adults that need to fix the education or lack of it, it's the adults who are providing the broken homes and it is the adults who are bringing the youths up. Therefore why do we keep focusing and often blaming the kids? Then we have to recognise that a lot of the adults raising kids in our country are in fact on the young side of adult hood themselves. And although having a child whilst very young isn't something I'd encourage my daughter to do, I also don't believe it's something we aren't capable of doing either. So we could debate this one topic till the cows come home but while we are focusing so much of our energy on how everyone else is tripping up we are in fact becoming less aware of our own falls. Fact! Focusing on other peoples happiness and sadness is something we do far too much of. We've always been gossips, it seems to be part of human nature. I for one know my Nan used to spend a lot of time talking about others; harmlessly (I think) hanging over the garden fence chatting to a neighbour. Maybe it all started during that era, or even before. Really, all of the above is just speculation on my part, my opinion, very loosely put by the way! You will have your own opinion and you may be right or wrong, only arrogant people believe they are right without a shadow of a doubt when the topic in hand is based purely on opinion. So how are we going to fix something when not only do we not know what tool to use but we don't know what's broken either; that's like giving me a pc and telling me to fix it with a wrench when I don't know the first thing about computers. Reading newspapers, magazine articles and engaging in many debates and arriving at speculation; no one is an expert and even if you are, you can only go on what you're seeing and what is being told to you. Maybe you're not getting the whole truth...maybe you are, it still boils down to your interpretation. So then we have to address the real issue. It has nothing to do with education if you're happy and content you want to learn. It has nothing to do with broken homes as broken homes are a result of lack of happiness and contentment. And it has nothing to do with upbringing, if you're happy and content, it's only natural to want to nurture. So, what is the problem? We're not happy or content! We need to spend more time focusing on our selves. I think many years ago everything we had to deal with was closer to home, so we were only dealing with stuff that mattered to us therefore our happiness was a result of our own selves directly, we had other people that influenced our lives, that has always been the case. The things we were occupying our lives with were tangible; they belonged in the world of whom they belonged to. They say the happiest time in known history in the UK was just after the Second World War, people had nothing yet everything. We can't even see or more importantly, feel, the things we are focusing our attention on and then we wonder why we feel empty. We will never resolve the situation all the time we make it this complicated. What is important to one person may mean nothing to someone else. The only thing that is categorical is that if you're not happy you're less likely to achieve anything that's worth anything to you. Ask yourself what truly makes you happy and there is your answer. Focus on you, closer to home, then the rest doesn't matter. |