Promise yourself the Best Mission Statement and Vision StatementIt‘s the truth, whether for yourself or your business, preparing to enter into the process of developing your mission statement and a vision statement for your future is the first important step to taking yourself seriously. Anyone advising you that creating your mission statement and vision statement is easy and can be done in no time is wasting your time, your money, and your efforts. It is work. Having said that, it is also some of the most creative, satisfying time you will spend on yourself, your business and your future. “Some 87% of Americans say they were born for a reason, but only about 13% say they know what that reason is” writes Don Midgett, author of Mission and Vision Statements: Your Path to a Successful Business Future. “Looking within, identifying your strengths, understanding how you hope to serve in your own unique way, you will begin to shine the light on your true mission.” If we wish to succeed in life, we must first learn how to succeed at being the best version of ourselves we can be. What do you love to do; what do you believe in, what would make you walk more confidently? A basic question to help you choose your true mission: What is your purpose? Whether it be for you, your life, your family, your business, your career, your web page, your customers, your organization, or your whatever, it is key to remember - all of us have the potential to do and be whatever it is we dream. By simply changing our thinking we can change our lives. Creating an on-target mission statement and a vision statement that defines your desired future will create stability for you in the midst of our ever-changing world and business environment. Whether it is for your personal growth or your business success, your mission statement should reflect genuinely the answers to the following questions: a. What work /business do I hope to do? I really in? b. What work /business do I see I will be doing in a few years from now? c. Are my values reflected in the statements? “From those basic answers come everyday actions and expanded thoughts to advance you along your desired path,” continues Midgett. Next will come the strategies or actions needed to accomplish your short- term and long- term goals and how to monitor your achievements.” Ask yourself these questions to help you focus on your desired future: a. What would you like to become? b. Where do you want to be going? c. How will you get there? d. What values will you practice? e. How will you measure your success? When you have focused on your answers to the above questions, you will have started your mission and vision statement process. For additional information and helpful tips on how to prepare and use your mission statements and vision statements, go to Don Midgett, Author 81 pages of valuable information, sold in 19 countries, is available in digital format (pdf) at |