Why religions could not play a good role

Why the religions could not play a good role?

Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

It could be a fact that religions had been established at different times just to give right directions to this man, but with the passing of time, these religions have started  playing a bad role in the life of this man.  It must be accepted that most of the wars had been there because of different religions and if we see that there had been tyrannies on the  man, the people of one religion had been conducting different methods to kill the man of another religion.

All the religions on this earth believe and declare that there is one God and all the religions are approaching God in their own ways.  It has also been accepted that this God had sent us all on this earth and we live a life as per His directions and when He calls us back, we die and it has further been accepted that when we die, we are called upon to give an account of our life and on the basis of this account, we could get hell or heaven or birth and rebirth circle of 84,00,000 lives. But in spite of all these common facts accepted, the people are still divided on the basis of religions and they had never been at peace because of these religions.  The fact is that the religions could not play a good role and if we have a look on the history of this man, most of the wars and killings had been there because of existence of different religions.  Even today, there are some terrorists and there are people who are ready to indulge in riots and it must be accepted that thousands of people are killed by these groups annually and if we further count these figures, we shall be surprised to note that God and diseases could not kill the number we kill because of our different religions. It seems this man has taken the work of God and now man is killing the man and God shall hand over this authority to the man because man is capable to kill the other fellow and when the other fellow is innocent and weak, killing becomes more easy.

Till these religions are in existence, this man shall continue killing of other people and even God is not in a position to stop this man because God could not unite the religions.

101-C Vikas Colony, Patiala
