Making The Right Choices For Success

We live in the land of opportunity. It is filled with abundance and each of us have talents we never  use but we can through the power of choice become whatever we want. Isn't it funny that we live in a world of abundance and unlimited potential yet success is not automatic. We have to unleash our inner greatness and self-motivation.

As we adjust to the adversities of life and attempt to fulfill our needs, we stumble upon motivation blocks and lose our creativity. We compromise with fear, weakness, and become demotivated. In order to motivate ourselves again we need to see that these are artificial barriers and know how to deal with them.

We have influences that have conditioned us in to a certain way of thinking or behavior. These influences can be family, our environment, mistakes from the past, and failure. Family influences are especially prevalent as parents may have been conditioned themselves to act and respond in a negative way and this get passed on to us even though we have different talents and abilities than they do. Love for our family makes us loyal to what they taught us. That can be a good thing but not always. You should always weigh it against your own values, beliefs, needs and God- given intuition.

Our environment is another major influence. Many times we let society dictate our conditioning.  The television shows and news alone project images that are artificial and are made for entertaining so we need to keep this in mind and not allow outside influences to determine our morals and beliefs. We have our own value system and talents that are ready to take us to the next level.

Lastly, the influence of past experiences and failures. We need to remember that the past does not equal the future. Mistakes and failures are stepping stones to show us what we do not desire and ultimately by adjusting us to the right steps to take. The fear of failure is a powerful force that needs to be dealt with. It breeds timidity and causes us not to accept a challenge. Failure itself is unimportant; your attitude toward it is the key, for it can strengthen or destroy you. You must acknowledge mistakes and failures then recover and get back on your path. Do not let it stop you from making choices. These choices may be your success - after all failure is just success turned inside out.