Release Your Old Story

"If you keep telling the same sad small story, you will keep living the same sad small life." ~ Jean Houston

When you begin the process of creating your new story, you must first bless and thank you old story. This may sound strange – considering your old story was keeping you living a life out of integrity and authenticity. Your old story has brought you this far and has taught you some valuable lessons, so you must take those as your blessings.

Your old limiting story may not be how you choose to move forward with your life, but just think of all of the people you came in contact with, the experiences you has and the many situations that have been laid at your feet. Without your old story, these would not have happened in the manner they did.

Thank your old story for all those experiences – the good and the not so good – then release them. Bless your old story for all of the lessons and the blessings that is brought you all these years, then let it go.

There is no use in living in regrets and ‘if onlys'. It does no good to dwell on past incidents, especially when they are cloaked in anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. Forgive all that needs forgiving – including yourself. Know that everything that has happened in your past was for your highest and greatest good. You and everyone involved did the very best they knew how given the circumstances. Your new story will reflect the lessons learned and the blessings received. You can now mindfully, consciously, and intentionally create the story and the life of your truest self and your deepest desires.