How Are You TODAY?I'm not sure if you ever think/feel that today is just another "normal day", "nothing special" or even "boring day". You keep doing the same thing, and start to think about your great "achievement" in the past. Some people may even think of in the next few years, they will be doing even better than today. They have over-exaggerate YESTERDAY and TOMORROW, instead of focusing on what they need to do TODAY! Our past success and failures often look bigger to us in hindsight than they really were. Some people never get over their past accomplishment, a soccer super star stays in a 3-5 years slump after being recognized as Player of the Year. Why? Because he'd rather spend more time thinking about when he was at the top instead of trying to reach that level again. Then there are the people whose negative experiences shape them for their entire lives. They relive every rejection, failure, and injury they've received. And they let those incidents tie them into emotional knots. Another group of people figure that tomorrow is bound to be better, but they have no strategy for making it better. Hoping for a good future without investing in today is like a farmer waiting a crop without ever planting any seed. In fact, in our life, TODAY is the most important day of our life. Yesterday with its successes and victories, struggles and failure is gone forever. The past is past. That's it. Finished. We cannot relive it. We cannot go back and change it. But we shall learn from it and improve our TODAY. Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn't here yet. Indeed, tomorrow may never come. Therefore, we shall not worry about tomorrow. Today is all that we have. We shall do our best in it. We shall demonstrate the best of us in it! We must identify those things that are most important to do TODAY, and those things we must do until they are done. When this day is done, we look back, with satisfaction at that, which we have accomplished. Then, and only then, we will plan our tomorrow, looking for the way to improve upon TODAY. |