In Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich", there is a fascinating chapter on the topic of sex transmutation. This chapter has absolutelybroadenedmy view on the subject of sex, and as such has opened up a whole new world to me. I'm going to try and summarize the main points of the chapter here.
But before we get to sex transmutation itself, we first need to explain something.
In order to understand this topic, you have to understand the true nature of thoughts, or thought vibration.
Did you know that your thoughts areactual things? Yes, your thoughts are things. Whenever you think, you are actually releasing avibration into the atmosphere. In the same way that radios operate on certain frequencies, so also your thoughts are sent out from your mind at a certainfrequency.
Many people (myself included), when they first hear this, have a hard time believing it. But don't just take my word for it. Research the matter yourself and you will find that there is no shortage of scientific evidence for this truth.
It is true that "thoughts are things", and that they each have their own frequency. And here is the important point: when thought vibration is at an exceedingly high rate, that is often when"hunches" or "senses"are received.
No doubt you have probably heard of the "sixth sense"? There was a very popular movie named just that. But the concept behind the movie is not just fiction. It is real. Napoleon Hill explains:
"The reality of the "sixth sense" has been fairly well established. This sixth sense is "Creative Imagination." The faculty of creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during an entire lifetime, and if used at all, it usually happens by mere accident. A relatively small number of people use, with deliberation and purpose aforethought, the faculty of creative imagination. Those who use this faculty voluntarily, and with understand of its functions, are genii.
The faculty of creative imagination is thedirect link betweenthe finite mind of man andInfinite Intelligence. All so-called revelations, referred to in the realm of religion, and all discoveries of basic or new principles in the field of invention take place through the faculty of creative imagination."
And it is when one is using creative imagination, that their "thought vibrations" are at an exceedingly higher frequency than just normal, everyday thoughts. And here's the clincher: there are "messages" or "hunches" or "intuitions" that can only enter the mind of man when his thought vibrations are at acertain level. And when his thought vibrations are stimulated to a certainfrequency,he then can pick up those messages.
So the question then becomes,"How does one get one's thoughts to vibrate at such frequency?" The answer:stimulation.
As Hill says, "Among the greatest, and most powerful of these stimuli is theurge of sex. When harnessed and transmuted, this driving force is capable of lifting men into that higher sphere of thought which enables them to master the sources of worry and petty annoyance which beset their pathway on the lower plane."
So basically, the urge of sex has the ability to stimulate the mind unlike anything else. But here's the clincher: the expression of sexaloneisinsufficientto raise man's thoughts to this level. The expression of sex MUST be mixed with the emotion oflove. Hill is very careful (gratefully) to articulate that,when love and sex are joined together, it has the ability to raise one's thought vibrations up to the level of the "sixth sense", and thereby cause him to receive "hunches", "intuitions", and "messages" that will help him discern and succeed in life.
And so the urge and energy of sex is transmuted ("transmute" simply means to change into another nature, substance, or form) and properly used to propel men to heights that theyneverwould have been able to achieve otherwise.
Hill also rightly notes that most men who excel greatly in life, generally have a really good woman behind them. Hence the phrase, "Behind every good man, there's a good woman". This phrase is verywell justified.
As Hill calls them, these men are "highly sexed", and the energy that they receive (because the expression of sex was mixed with love),magnetizes the manand success often follows him (because people are drawn to his magnetic demeanor). So what's the take-home message? The sex experience is meant to be so much more than just a physical experience. When properly used, or "transmuted", it just mightchange your life.