Self esteem is how you look at your self. If s person holds high regard for himself he is said to have a good self esteem, while one who constantly thinks negatively about himself is said to have a low self esteem. The building of this self image should begin from early childhood, but if you are one of those whose parents and elders did not help you build a good self image; it is never too late to start doing so for your own self.
There are quite a few methods that you could adopt to increase your self esteem. You could attend seminars and lectures by reputed speakers, or maybe you could read about it on the internet and through self help books. However, in this article we are going to suggest a few activities that can be fun as well as productive for your self image.
1. A Brochure about you: This can be a party game for four people and above. You will need a paper clip per person, a marker pen and a sheet of paper. This game helps people give each other constructive criticism. Every participant is handed out a colored paper which is folded like a tri fold brochure. The person needs to put down his or her name on the front, and write down a list of what they would like to have the others write about, on the inside.
It could be a list of anything that the person would like feedback on things they like to eat, things they like to do and so on. The brochure is passed around the group, and every member adds to this list that the person in question created. So, by the time the paper returns to the creator, he or she has a lot of feedback from the group. Repeat the process for every participant before you read your own brochure. Then, give every one five minutes to read what they've just heard about themselves. Unless some one wants to really be nasty, this is a great way to get feedback from those around you and have some fun while you go about it as well.
2. The Candy game: This game lets you find out some of your plus points and at the same time it allows you to find characteristics that you may have in common with the rest of the group. This game works best in groups of at least five people, or more. Give about ten candies to everybody in the group, and have them sit in a circle.
Go from person to person and ask them to name a positive characteristic about them selves. Now, any one who feels that they them selves do not have this characteristic needs to give one candy to the person. The idea is not to hurt anyone's feelings, the idea is to show that everyone is equally blessed, as more often than not, you will end up with the group having a similar number of candies at the end of the game.