I'm Tired of Being Fat

Let me start this article by telling you a bit about myself and why I feel I am a weight loss "expert".  I have been overweight my entire life. I have tried every diet you can imagine Weight Watchers (lost 50 pounds-gained it back), Nutri-System (failed),  Optifast (lost & gained), etc. It was recognized by the family physician at an early age that I was overweight; but he said "Oh she'll have no weight loss issues once she goes through puberty"  WRONG!  Once a teenager and slightly overweight (I was pretty active in sports), I had no weight loss issues, huh!  WRONG!  Got married in my twenties, had a baby, never lost baby weight and went on to gain an additional 50 pounds.  Then 4 years later, got divorced put on another 50 pounds (drowning my sorrows in ice cream and cake).  I finally got a hold of my life, and started another weight loss program through the hospital I worked at and lost a whooping 120 pounds in one year.  Oh I forgot to tell you, I had a thyroid issue develop, that of course helped me with the weight loss.  Then I spent years raising my beautiful, successful daughter and living life on the sidelines, not really participating, just watching life go by.  THEN the unexpected happened, I met a wonderful man who wined and dined me and we married and will live happily ever after.  BUT, with all that wining, dining, and love; I gained all my weight back and then some (weighing in at 329 lbs).  See I eat whether I am happy or sad.

You may be thinking I am one of those people that eats a dozen eggs, bag of chips or cookies, all junk food; but you would be WRONG.  I eat normal portions, mix the good food with the junk food; very normal eating habits.  Of course, exercise is another thing!  All my life I have worked a sit-down office position and have not moved very much.  I also apparantly have a slow metabolism; but please don't think I am blaming this for all the weight gain...I LOVE FOOD and how it makes me feel.

Now, let's get to the here and now!  I am living again, I am dropping pounds (almost 60 lbs), I am feeling good about myself, AND I am exercising (walking and recumbant bike).  What's the magic?

Well, briefly here's what I am doing...The very first thing I did was extensive research.  I researched the popular diet plans I was familiar with and picked the things I liked about each of the plans.  I then made a list of my favorite good-for-you foods and checked out their labels to be certain they would not throw the scale off too much.  Then I informed by spouse that I was going on a weight loss plan that I would be referring to as a "way of living" and that I needed his support and understanding (no problem).  Then I decided based on my weight and some knee issues what exercises I could perform both cardio and strength building ones (I could not decide using the philosophy of what exercise I liked-'cause I hate all of it) but I force myself to do something each day. For me my "way of living" is a bit of the Mediterrean Diet, South Beach Diet, and the writings of Dr. Oz (Oprah's guru).  In other words, I am a firm believer in the fact that weight loss is a private journey that must be customized by you based on the your lifestyle and habits.

I need to let you know that I am NOT hungry, I watch all the labels when food shopping, I exercise, I am still shedding pounds, and I LIVE life to the fullest; even though I am still considered morbidly obese.  I want to tell you that old cliche:  If I can do, you can do it too!

I am so passionage about helping others that I have created a website and I have set up a blog that shares all my research and ideas of weight loss.  Please decide to get "off the sidelines of life" and start livin' and just keep livin'.

Olivia Scarlett