Leadership Love In ActionFortune and love favour the brave ~ Ovid I'm sick to the gunnels by all the cynicism I've heard from the media and axe-to-grind dinosaurs about the new and collaborative political leadership in UK. The Cameron and Clegg show? Bring it on! I've watched and heard the two men clearly in rapport with each other. I've listened to the outcome of negotiations where compromises have clearly been made for the higher good, the benefit of the British nation. I've watched people from two opposing parties working co-operatively rather than the normal aggressive, confrontative dog fights which are oh so familiar in political life. This is what leadership love in action looks like... people collaborating with each other to serve a higher purpose. The cynics suggest this is just a honeymoon period and watch out for the fall-out when it's over. Perhaps. Yet, a honeymoon can be the beginning of learning about a deeper love, about developing as a team for the collective good of your family... and beyond. It doesn't necessarily have to herald in a decline. And, to be honest, I didn't rate either Cameron or Clegg, or any of the party leaders, prior to the general election. But, between them, these two guys have forged a third and creative energy. What's that old saying about when two or more are gathered together in my name??? They've also each been courageous. Both know factions within their own parties won't be happy with the arrangement and will be keeping a close eye on the entente cordiale.
My heart's shouting at my logical mind, "SHUDDUP! Great that you can be rational about events, but it's also a way to dumb down your feelings!" And my feelings are squiggly-jumpy-exuberatingly-melon-bursting because... WHAT'S GOING ON IN UK POLITICAL LEADERSHIP RIGHT NOW IS AWESOME!!! This bold initiative can be a role model for us all; you, me, everyone. I repeat... what's happening is leadership love in action, co-operative endeavour for the collective and higher good. Which leads me to enquire... What current situation inyourlife cries out for YOU to be brave, to step into the unknown with leadership love in action? Ask yourself... # What's the higher purpose for which I'm working in this situation? # What needs to happen so I, and others, collaborate to achieve that higher purpose? Then, close your eyes and ask your heart the very same questions. Be prepared to be surprised and delighted by what you discover. And then?... Go out there and BE leadership love in action, the quality of leader which both you and your people have a right to! |