How to Improve Playing Piano: Self Hypnosis Help for Piano PlayingIf you need help playing piano, hypnosis creative thinking approaches can provide support. Piano playing help is available whether you need a guide for the keyboard, pianos or even sheet music. Jazz up your musical experience while learning chords or just performing by ear. Jazz It Up Jazz is an excellent place to start because much of this kind of music is purely improvisational. You can let go of your self-consciousness as you let the notes flow naturally. Instead of thinking too much about your ability to play, you are focusing on letting your subconscious mind guide your hands over the keys.The reason jazz is ideal is that this is the way this form of music is composes in many instances. Musicians play off the cuff and improvise many of the songs that they play. This creative element can be your best friend when you practice the craft of creating beautiful melodies on the keyboard. Subconscious Help Piano Playing Your subconscious mind holds on to each of your experiences and it is the realm of creativity. This vast resource can open as you allow your hands to create music with a natural flow. Practicing the keys will be a source of great pleasure instead of a source of anxiety.Not all music is improvisational. Self-hypnosis helps you create a viable approach to learning music easily and with little effort. You are better able to recall the notes without anticipation of making a mistake or focusing on negative aspects of your performance. Music and Hypnosis Hypnosis is such a powerful tool for this task because it is metrical in nature. Music is an extremely important aspect of the hypnotic process. The natural flow of metric beats can lull you into a trance and you can use this trance to create an innovative way to play without apprehension.This approach also helps you develop your own style. Instead of trying to play the musical instrument like someone else, you are allowing yourself to create techniques that really work for you. This happens automatically when you delve into your subconscious mind for guidance. Self-Hypnosis Recordings Using self-hypnosis recordings is extremely convenient. You can work at your own pace and without having to make any appointments. It will be easier to improvise and to recall aspects of your music lessons. All you really have to do is relax and listen to the suggestions offered in the recording.You can find great inspiration and guidance in the hypnosis recording found here - Help Playing Piano - by master hypnotherapist Steve G Jones. Another excellent source of inspiration found here - Hypnosis Creative Thinking - is by renowned hypnotherapist, Duncan McColl who offers insight into the creative process. Other outstanding recordings are available here - Piano Playing Help . Simply click on the links for more information. |