Creating Happiness of Your Design - Rich Dad Poor Dad

"Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for.Happiness is something you design."- Jim Rohn
One of the most damaging things that I feel is done to people in this society is for them to have "happiness" defined FOR them based on what is suggested in the media or by friends and family. There is so much pressure to consume "things" or to have a certain amount of "status" based on money.
There is a direct sales company that I was involved in for a while during my entrepreneurial infancy that really impressed me with the way they dealt with this topic. On their recruitment video, instead of showing pictures of exotic Italian cars and mansions, they showed footage of a happy family of 4 washing their Honda together. Then another image showed proud parents standing next to a college graduate.
Look, I'm not saying that its "bad" to want lots of money...or even to want very nice things. I'm a Maseratti kinda guy myself lol. What I am, saying though  is to never allow anyone else to define what happiness should be for YOU.
I suggest that you take some time out, brew a hot cup of java or tea, and literally write down YOUR vision of what happiness looks like for you. Then create a dream board about YOUR happiness, and experience the powerful inspiration that you will feel in working to maintain it.
Wealth is largely a by-product of the mind, remember? That means that you have the power to create, to design. Always remember that the reason why we build wealth is not for the "things" or the "status", but the privilege to truly lives our lives by our own design. This is an AMAZING opportunity that 99.99% of people will never get to experience, and you are working on it this very moment.
Isn't that exciting? Revel in that excitement!