The Meaning of Life is Experience

Many religions and philosophies both good and bad have been created by people trying to answers these questions and give hope to the masses.

When looking for an answer, we must look at what we can learn without tools, without language, without books or religions or systems of thought. The meaning of life must be equally applicable to the highest and lowest forms of life, from toads to man; for certainly the universe does not exist only the sake of man.

The one thing that all life does is experience. We experience new things and we learn. We experience and we grow. Now the experiences and growth capability of a beetle may not be as grand as that of a human but it can still learn and experience life, even if in a limited way. These experiences shape who we are and when we die, they are given to Gaia to shape its energy. As the beings that live on Gaia learn and grow, so too does Gaia learn and grow. This process continues on into the Universe until it reaches the totality of the Force.

Many will say there is no point to this since God is already all knowing, but I would suggest that there would be no reason for any of this if God already knew everything that was going to happen. God is curious about its creations. It is seeking to learn through experience, everything it can about this dimension through the billions of living beings throughout the universe.

As microcosms of God, we too are learning and growing as spiritual beings through our experiences. Your experiences shape and change you. They dictate your tonal and the frequency you broadcast to others. They shape your mind and your consciousness. The more experiences you have to draw on the more wisdom you can apply to a given situation.

If you were to spend your life living in solitary confinement, do you believe that you would have the same richness of life that a person who lived in the world has had? Or what about someone who was able to travel all over the world?

Who you are is based on your experiences; and that is why we are here. To experience this dimension. As energy beings we cannot hear or taste or touch. We have no eyes to see the spectrum of light, we have no taste buds to experience the richness of chocolate cake, we have no nasal glands to smell the sweetness of a rose. As an energy being we would miss out on the this plethora of experiences that the physical world has to offer.

This is why we incarnate over and over, to experience as many different worlds as we can. To learn and grow through our experiences. This is what becomes wisdom in older people. They have more experiences than others and they have had more time to examine what those experience shad to offer. Consider this the next time you are going to shy aware from a new experience because of fear or shyness or because you think it won't matter.

"Experiences are the dimensional fibers that make up your soul". Eric Pepin

Higher Balance Institute is the world leader in advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the psychic sense. It is the most comprehensive and unique program of its kind, designed to produce direct, real personal paranormal experiences to learn from. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time.

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