It's a sad case of Cartomancy
A Tarot reading is Cartomancy. The art of divining (or prospecting) one's fortune or some other situation, by means of seemingly random selection and array of cards in a certain formation.
Does it work? Some sceptics say; absolutely not. They claim it's completely fraudulent and mercilessly targets the inexperienced, the impressionable and the innocent.
Now you would have to be less than five years of age not to have heard of the Tarot. In which case it is highly unlikely you could be reading this. (unless you're a child prodigy, in which case you'd probably already know the answer to this question))
So I would have to say most would be familiar with the principal arrangement of the Tarot. There is an ocean full of information out there and I won't bore you with the details here.
So does it work, dude?
You want your fortune told, right? You want your future predicted, right? You want a little more control of your life, right? Seems everyone agues excitedly as to exactly how the Tarot works, or if in fact, it works at all.
Does the methodology somehow stimulate hidden intuitive or psychic qualities in those so predisposed? Does the interrogation procedure itself stimulate invisible outside intelligences; invisible forces, unearthly intelligences, extra-terrestrials, spirits of the dead who directly or indirectly intervene to influence the proceedings in an unearthly way? Or is this a universe of 'no accidents' where the purposeful process of querying creates a synchronous earth modality beyond the chaos theory?
The major arcana particularly, claimed by some to be a wormhole into our subconscious, due somewhat to prototypical patterns, has been connected ideologically to the psychology of Carl Jung's collective unconscious.
Sorry, but for the genuine secret to the Tarot to be fully appreciated we'll need to do a little backwards time-travel.
Maestro, a little historical music, if you please
The 4 suited playing card pack first appeared in Europe in the 1370's, probably in Italy or Spain. This exhibited a striking likeness to the modern playing card pack in current use. Then, in Italy in the 1430's, a an additional suit of 21 heavily decorated cards called trionfi, ('triumphs') plus an particular card called matto ('the fool') were addended to this pack. No, 'the fool' was NOT the precursor of the modern joker, which was created separately in the late 19th century, as a euchre game card, of a jack with no suit.
Not unlike our Mardi Gras, the illustrations in the trionfi, most likely represented mascots in medieval re-enactments of triumphal Roman parades. The reason for the trionfi was to function as a higher suit, becoming 'trumps' or a suit of 'triumphs'. Played by 3 or 4 , occasionally 5 players, these 'tarot games' consisted of informal team-ups directed towards the top player in each deal.
So the bottom line is; until about 1780 in France, and based upon the Venetian or the Piedmontese tarot, tarot was a game. It had dead-set no spirituality. It didn't know Arthur from Martha.
Don't believe what I'm hearing
Here, I'll say it again - slower. Until just 230 years ago, the tarot was played as a game, possibly by children, not dissimilar to say our Canasta. It was never intended to be a form of divination, a prophet. It is NOT a purpose-built tool!! It's a distorted game. Unquestionably!
You can argue all you want about its epidemic popularity, the mountains of volumes of literature written on it, the testimonials to its effectiveness; however once compared to say Crystalomancy, the Runes, or the I-Ching, the Tarot's origins, genealogy and pedigree is in a state of ruddy embarrassment.
The I-Ching is not a mere child of just 230, it is a grand old mystic of some 6,000 years, probably the first transcribed document in history, created wholly and solely for the purpose of functioning as an ORACLE. It is replete with thousands, not merely a couple of hundred years of vibrational human consciousness. It is truly an institutionalized timeless artifact.
But wait, this article is about the wonder of Tarot.
So . . .
The answer is in what is really real.
There is another explanation however that I ascribe to. It refers to the principle that we are all the masters of our own fate. We create our lives for ourselves according to what we predominantly desire or believe. The world revolves around each of us. (to each of us). We are thus egocentric.
So that when a possible circumstance, depicted by the cards, is suggested by the card reader, our very powerful association 'reflex' kicks in full force, scans our life and makes every attempt to coordinate the broad-brush card situation with our 'real-life' situation. Therefore we discover what appears to be a track of occurrences that seem to match. We, together with certain authority we've given over to the reader, then trust the reading depicts an accurate portrayal of our lifestyle.
The card reader will bring down his/her final judgment in our now current atmosphere of near-perfect trust We then believe this to be a reality, in our now conditioned self.
Introducing our star performer, our very own S.F.P.
Remember what I said about us being the master of our fate? Well what we now do is to take the powerful belief of the reading outcome and 'force' it to become a life reality.
To paraphrase we actually create the reality as prophesied by the cards. Incredible, no? This is what is known as a guess what? A self-fulfilling prophesy.
So is this fraud? What it is is example of the amazing power of the mind.
Want your very own 24/7 Psychic Reader?
Would you like to drive test this out for yourself? OK? So now, for your viewing pleasure, I've decided to give away to you a couple of freebies. Grab here, free forever, software version of the Tarot and the Iching for you to set up into your PC.
So test this out yourself now and have some fun. Have your own seer by your side. Download here then.
Any trials or tribulations, contact Moritz:"
Moritz Gleitman, 2010 copyright