Sexuality and Your Bottom Line

Sexuality is the energy of creativity, the life force often referred to as chi, Reiki, consciousness, divinity. Your level of sexual empowerment is the foundation upon which you create everything in your life. Sexuality is not just about having sex. Having a strong foundation can improve every aspect of your life, including your finances. Here are 5 ways Sexual Empowerment can improve your bottom line.

1. When you feel attractive and desirable, you come across with confidence that will impact every interaction you have. Potential employers and clients are more likely to choose confident people over people with low self esteem.

2. Feelings of powerlessness and shame from sexual abuse make it hard to trust enough to form strong relationships with co-workers, potential supporters and with your own wisdom. Sexual Empowerment can help you move beyond shame and victimization to form strong, sincere relationships.

3. As you become comfortable with sexual energy, you develop your ability to be open to whatever unfolds, instead of always trying to be in control. You will be better able to take the risks that can be helpful in starting a business, attracting customers, letting go of what no longer works, and more.

4. Sexual Empowerment includes embracing both your masculinity and femininity. As you do this, you become more comfortable with yourself and with all the ways you can be in the world. This leads to less defensiveness, land less getting triggered by what other people think, say and do. It also leads to being more accepting of others, which improves all business relationships.

5. Sexuality, because it is the energy of your divine creatorship, offers easier access to your divine awareness. This gives you insight for how to resolve situations that used to be problems, how to create win-win opportunities, and all kinds of valuable information to improve your bottom line and have the process be easier, and more joyful.

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